
Debate Info

Yes, it is necessary. No, it is un-necessary.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 No, it is un-necessary. (2)

Debate Creator

kozlov(1754) pic

Should Cyprus Institute a Deposit Levy?


Cyprus is in truoble and they are in a lot of debt. They want to take about 10% from everyone's bank account to help pay off the debt.

Yes, it is necessary.

Side Score: 0

No, it is un-necessary.

Side Score: 3
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2 points

A few irresponsible bureaucrats are responsible for the problems in Cyprus. Taking peoples' money will only put off the inevitable.

The solution to the problem is major reform.

Side: No, it is un-necessary.
1 point

Cyprus has many problems and there is need for a better solution.

Side: No, it is un-necessary.