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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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Hellno(17753) pic

Should Fur Coats be Banned?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
1 point

I would prefer that people didn't buy furs... unless they were made from the fur of an animal that was killed for meat. Cow coat!

Side: Yes!

I agree with you, use sheets until then.

Side: Yes!
Republican2(349) Disputed
1 point

Most of the time the meat of fur bearing animals is consumed. It's usually distributed to needy families, or it's taken home by the factory workers. It just isn't sold in grocery stores because that would require a refit of their operations and constant monitoring by the department of agriculture.

Side: No!

Faux fur is the way to go. Stop the cruelty to animals. Those cute animals must be left alone.

Side: Yes!

The campaign against animal fur has only been an emotional ploy by PETA and other animal rights organizations. They also made the same one for animal farming, should we ban that too? Those animals are just as dead.

Side: No!