
Debate Info

Yes - We can marry a parent No - We can't marry a parent
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:20
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 Yes - We can marry a parent (3)
 No - We can't marry a parent (8)

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Teacher(71) pic

Should I be able to Marry my Mother to get her Better Health Insurance?

I'd take it a step further and suggest we should be able to marry a pet cow to get "them" health benefits.  Why are humans so important.  We're letting gays marry and get the benefits of insurance, so where do we draw the line.  In other words, if you favor gay marriage, you should believe that I should be able to marry my mother so that she can get better health insurance.  If you're against gay marriage, then you have every right to be against this.

Yes - We can marry a parent

Side Score: 6

No - We can't marry a parent

Side Score: 10
3 points

Why not?

Marriage is another example of government trying to regulate another aspects of our lives. In this case... love 8l

Marriage should not be a legal institution. If you wish for someone to get your benefits or right to your property or w/e other bullshit, merely have them sign a contract.

The people aren't truly so dumb that they need government to decide who can and can't receive benefits to others shit. We're adults, and I would find it appropriate for government to treat us like adults.

Side: Yes - We can marry a parent
1 point

Well said. You should be able to "love" whomever you wish, if in fact you are in support of gay marriage. It used to be about survival of the race and reproduction, but since gays are involved, then that should open marriage up to all species and incest.

Side: Yes - We can marry a parent
vandebater(444) Disputed
0 points

wha? your saying gay marriage is as weird as marrying a squid!?

Side: No - We can't marry a parent
1 point

So you think people should marry their mothers just for the health insurance? I don't understand how two men or women, or animal-person marrying is any worse than a man and a woman marrying. Marrying just for the health insurance is different from marrying for love. Personally, I don't care if people marry for health insurance anyway. You may say they do not deserve it, but why do people in love deserve health insurance?

Side: Yes - We can marry a parent
1 point

no its both incest and fraud. if you love her incest, if you want her to get better insurance fraud. plus even if you loved her romantically there would be a fraud investigation that would end with you not being able to marry her anyway. at least what i think. your mom can however "marry" a supporting cousin if she wants that insurance. or she can do it the fair way and actually get married to someone she loves. boy is this gonna look weird on my arguments board!

Side: No - We can't marry a parent
1 point

Ahahahaha. Oh my god. This is great. This is rich. I should probably keep my trap shut because I'll get pounced, but in all honesty, I think marriage shouldn't even be a legal institution. Oh and, by the way, you can't stop homosexuals from getting married. Even if it's not 'legal.' See, the only thing gays want is for their marriages to be legally recognized because they know they deserve the same kind of treatment as the rest of us. They can still have religious marriage ceremonies and parties and all of that fun stuff.

And why shouldn't they be happy and get the same benefits as everyone else anyways? How much of a moron do you think someone's sexual preference makes them any different from the rest of us? Let me tell you, one's libido does not determine a person's actions and personality. What does make homosexuals different, and this is probably what people get stuck on a lot, is the flamboyant, effeminate stereotype that they have. It's creepy. Creeps me the hell out, too. But not all gays act like that. I should know. I have a couple of gay friends.

You should probably make a more direct argument if you're going to passive-aggressively vent than trying to compare gay romance to incestuous romance. They are, in fact, radically different and have different connotations. Porking a dog is p. different, too.

Oh, now, if you were saying it's wrong for a gay man could marry his gay brother and you made the marry the mother argument for better health insurance argument, you might have something. But again, not incest. Making a big 'ol logical fallacy. Capicé?

Side: No - We can't marry a parent
1 point open thinker. My total point was about insurance..not about morality... So, interesting suggestion about marriage not being a viable tax shelter...very interesting. It's not fair to single people or people without kids...hmmm...I'll have to follow your comments.

Side: No - We can't marry a parent

You are so right! How can a person say that the government should recognize gay marriage (or any marriage for that matter) and not recognize multiple marriage, marriage of family members or that of human and animal. To make things equal for everyone the government should just get the f* out.

Side: No - We can't marry a parent
0 points

Good point..I like how you think as well... but why didn't you vote in favor of the right to marry your mother or father?

Side: No - We can't marry a parent

Its a good question I wasn't exactly sure which side I should put it on at first but I eventually came to the conclusion that though I don't think the government should be involved in it I do think marriage should be a promise to to god, or the universe or whatever, that the people involved in it intend to stick it out for as long as they live. I defiantly dont think it should be done willy nilly and for sure not only to save money. So I stuck it on this side.

Side: No - We can't marry a parent
1 point

Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife.

Side: No - We can't marry a parent