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Debate Score:35
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GIJamie(12) pic

Should Religion Be Taught In School?

Should parents and children have the right to say wethter or not they are taught relgious education in school? For all alot of it isnt factually based and is something that people just "believe" in. What about those who do not believe, why should they have to be taught this??


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 16
2 points

Yes people need to have an understanding of religion to understand history. You cannot understand a lot of European history without knowledge of the bible. The same can be said about the middle east with Judaism and Islam.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

I don't believe that statement to be true. I learned history in school with minimal bible knowledge. Yet If you could explain I think I'd understand better.

Side: No
Doherty95(299) Clarified
1 point

For the most part of the last 2000 years, in Europe, Christianity has played a huge role in shaping what has happened. If you had absolutely no knowledge of the bible, it would be incredibly difficult to understand why certain things occurred. Looking at a lot of art and writings throughout history, it was inspired by religion, so to truly understand what they are supposed to mean you will need to have some understanding of the religion of the time.

Even with a basic knowledge of the religion, you can gain some sort of understanding, but if you have a larger knowledge o the religion you will be able to understand far more about the time.

The same goes for most cultures and their religions.

I hope this is a bit clearer, with what I meant.

Side: Yes
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

There is no need for Bible in real history classes. I've learned history of Europe without even touching bible.

Side: No
Doherty95(299) Disputed
1 point

The bible has influenced much of European history. You can learn what happened without the bible, but to know why something happened you need to look at what influenced it. If you are from the UK or the USA, you should have a basic understanding of the bible, because it is part of the culture.

Try to understand Greek history, if you don't know that they worshipped many Gods. It would be difficult to do, because it influenced them heavily.

There are other influences, throughout history but religion is a main one. I also think ancient religions should be taught as well, to help people understand other cultures.

Side: Yes
2 points

I'm on the fence a little with this one, but I'll err on the side of yes PROVIDED that there is no bias shown. If one learns about Islam, they should also learn about Judaism and Christianity equally and without misrepresentation. As well as whatever else would maybe fit the curriculum.

It's a bit complex. But for western civilization it's also an interesting subject since you realize just how much religion has influenced today's society. Without religion we wouldn't be the same civilization we are today. Am I saying I subscribe to them? No. But it's still an interesting read.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

I feel that there is so much religion that to learn about all of it, just for the sake of the knowledge would be useless. Image all the military skills, or survival skills, that could have been crammed into that section?

What I feel should be done is there should be special elective classes for people who intend to go into a theological field one day, but not as a course requirement or part of the average curriculum.

Side: No
lupusFati(790) Clarified
1 point

True. I suppose I should amend my statement and say that if you teach Christianity, you should teach the other two dominant ones that go along with it, Judaism and (still not sure it's relevant) Islam. Any other religion(s) should be given the same equal treatment, should the school choose to teach it.

Out of all the religions in the world there would be far too many to cover, so to be realistic we'd have to limit the intake, I suppose. Would take a lot of time to figure out so meh.

Side: Yes
1 point

Sure lets teach all the world religions in school.

Side: Yes
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

all 12 000, do not skip a single one... :D

Side: No
1 point

Yes especially as now in RE it's barely religion based now, it's all about ethics and religious arguments but mainly ethics. (Where I go to school anyway) and I actually enjoy it and am good at it. It's an easy grade that anyone can get because GCSE's in RE now are mainly opinion based which is easy to say.

On the side of the years that it actually teaches us about religion, then I still think it's good because it gives you both sides of an argument and helps choose what to believe in, so on and so forth.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

it gives you both sides of an argument and helps choose what to believe in, so on and so forth.

So we should learn about unicorns as well? Since we don't know they don't exist it's not too bad to believe they might. I mean why should we learn about religion, if we had never known it to exist it wouldn't affect our life.

At best learning about religion could cut back on ignorance but that should not be a course requirement. Learning manners would probably cut back on crime yet that's not a course requirement.

Side: No

School is meant to teach us basic knowledge that we can start from in developing skills necessary for a living. If one is wanting to go into a humanities, then being educated on religion is a very valuable tool there. A non-biased world religions elective I think is the most practical and ideal way of doing it. If one is going to learn history, then religion is going to play a part in history, and understanding that religion will help said historian, people in politics could use the skill in countries where religion does play a part in politics, and let's face it even with the separation of church and state, religion still has an effect on politics. Also understanding religion could help someone argue why religion is unreasonable, and as something of an anti-theist, I think it would be great if people did that.

Side: Yes
1 point

It depends. For example am i learning the bible or studying the bible?

There is a big difference. One will be like a christian class where you learn to love god and be a good christian. Another is a religion class, where you study various regions across the world to understand their meaning and impact on history and gain knowledge. I approve of the second one. The first class will just divide people and create hate.

Side: Yes
1 point

Some form of Religion is already taught in most schools. I guess this topic is really more about the details, because it is already part of education. But anyway, Religion should absolutely be taught in schools. No views need to be forced onto people, just the information. There is no reason it shouldn't be taught in schools.

Side: Yes
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

do you have any clue how many religions are there? How many gods and creation myths?

Side: No
7thDebater(294) Disputed
1 point

Yes I do realize how many there are. I never said all things and details should be discussed.

Side: Yes

In a parochial school, Religion should be taught. If parents want their children to have Religion, they should send them to a parochial school.

Side: Yes

No, religion should not be taught in school, UNLESS it is a religious based school. But for general public schools, religion should not be taught, or even discussed at all. Mainly due to peoples sensitivity about it. There are a lot of people who take their religion seriously, therefore its better if it is just not brought up at all to prevent disputes. As a student, as well as am atheist, I would not want to be taught religion. I think it is just best if that remains a topic of learning and conversation outside of the school enviroment.

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2387) Disputed
1 point

What if it was an elective, completely unbiased, taught information about a multitude of religion (rather than put any effort of indoctorination)? My school did that, and nobody got heated over it, because it didn't really favor any interpretation of any religion, or any religion over the other, it just taught people about religion rather than indoctorination. I think honestly it should be allowed because it can be a useful field to be educated on in humanities, I mean Theatre is less likely to be useful than world religions to be fair.

Side: Yes

I will agree with what you are saying, I think there is a chance it could work. But the problem is more on the parents than kids. Parents tend to get worked up about things like that. You make a good point though, it could be useful especially for some career paths that some kids plan to take. I still think overall it is better without it

Side: Yes
2 points

NO! First of religion is the right choice of the person. The child may still undecided! Second child's mind is not yet formed and the lessons of religion can give a boost to the madness of the child to religion. Second, children may have different points of view, and this can cause conflict, which may also affect the child's mind

Side: No
1 point

Why should schools teach things that people believe in, doesn't mean its all factual. There are people that believe in fairies its like saying oh lets have Fairy Studies

Side: No
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

If for no other reason, then for the sake of knowledge. Despite whether anyone views it has any practical/factual application today, the past is paved with religion and many people today still practice some form of religion or other. To turn away from that is to stop up your ears, cover your eyes, and imagine it away. It is as irrational as saying "God is good so you're wrong blah blah blah".

Side: Yes
7thDebater(294) Disputed
1 point

In no way is it like saying "lets have fairy studies" because the bible is known as a historical book. There is real stuff to it. And just so everyone out there knows, there have been bible classes taught in school.Religion is also cultural, and those kind of things should be taught.

Side: Yes
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Just because it sometimes hits some events does not makes it useful. There other more reliable sources.

Side: No

You can learn about religion in libraries. If you're not in a school studying all religion to become a potential theologist there's no reason learn it.

Side: No

It's important recognize the difference between an actual thing and a "faith".

Side: No