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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 No (1)

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zakloxray(5) pic

Should Scotland Be Independent?

The way I see it is Scotland wants to be independent so they can run the country on their own but the problem with that is that been independent from the rest of the UK is that it will weaken britians econamy but more on Scotland. And a weaker econamy means we have less money witch in long term will affect

child abuse, disability allowance, the NHS, education, cancer reasearch, the RBS and the bank of england, will affect oil prices, and buisness will go into administration and people lose jobs. please let me know what you think :)


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

If and when enough people in Scotland decide to go it alone

Side: Yes
1 point

Not only would Scotland leaving the UK be a big loss to the rest of the UK, it would also have massive impacts on the Scottish people. Such as job losses, disadvantages in education and changes in relations with the rest of the UK.

If Scotland was to decide they wanted to leave, many businesses would pull out of deals and move their companies from Scotland. One example that Jim Murphy used in the No campaign was that ship building jobs would be at risk if Scotland left as 5,500 people are employed in military ship building for the UK alone.

Secondly, universities in Scotland benefit massively from UK research funding and Alistair Darling has claimed that if you took away research funding from universities it would put them at a disadvantage and even Edinburgh University would feel the loss.

Scotland leaving the UK would mean that they would have to apply to become part of the EU again; they would have to negotiate with the UK on how freely Scottish people could travel through the UK; there would also be negotiations between the BBC on the future of it in Scotland and trade between the UK would become harder and more expensive. This would all be felt in by the Scottish people.

In conclusion, I firmly believe Scotland should stay with the UK so that we can continue working together. I am sure that the Scottish people will challenge Westminster for fairer devolution of powers.

Side: No