
Debate Info

Yes, let more people compete No, only big people can play
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes, let more people compete (6)
 No, only big people can play (11)

Debate Creator

HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should WWE have weight classes?

Yes, let more people compete

Side Score: 6

No, only big people can play

Side Score: 11

There are some wrestlers that do not have a lot of weight. Daniel Bryan is a fine example.

Side: Yes, let more people compete

Absolutely Ridiculous, all of them are induced with steroids, plus all matches are pre planned and decided. WWE is not considered a traditional sport, it is a combination of sport and drama.

Side: No, only big people can play
1 point

What does that have to do with anything?

Side: Yes, let more people compete
1 point

Everything, weight classes imply differential skills and athletic abilities, and the WWE is staged, so no need.

Side: No, only big people can play
1 point

It's fake, there's no point in wasting money on something fake

Side: No, only big people can play

Whose money?

Side: No, only big people can play
bemagic15(531) Clarified
1 point

The owner of WWE, has to pay for new belts and stuff

Side: Yes, let more people compete

I think we should ban this game because it is very violent game

Side: No, only big people can play