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 Should We Eat Chocolate? (2)

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cassie901(46) pic

Should We Eat Chocolate?

there is slavery of children that goes on throughout the process of making chocolate and i think it is wrong

the children are forced to harvest cocoa beans and are starved and worked very hard, not only this but it causes kids to become obese sometimes if eaten too much

it can destroy our environment because if we use too much of the cocoa plant who knows it could run out since it is a limited resource and the wrappers from the chocolate go into landfills which cause a lot of pollution in the long run


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Actually, there is not a lot of child slavery in the chocolate industry - a lot of these children are actually trying to help their families earn enough money to live. They don't have the money to go to school because the people who buy the cocoa beans are not giving them the right amount of money for what they are selling. I am not saying that there is no child slavery in the chocolate industry - there probably is. I am just commenting on the fact that it is wrong to say ALL children who work in cocoa farms are in slavery. We should be looking at fair-trade systems and why these children have to work on farms. The children who have been sold into slavery for the chocolate industry are being helped out of it too.

I think that we should carry on eating chocolate because it would take away money from the people who are on the cocoa farms and they are already quite poor. Furthermore, we don't have to eat the unhealthy kinds of chocolate - we could eat the healthy kind, like dark chocolate, or more concentrated chocolates. If people are becoming fat because of the amount of chocolate they are eating, it is their fault, and not the responsibility of the chocolate manufacturers.

Yes. Chocolate makes people happy and I don't want to see the happiness taken away.