
Debate Info

Oh Gawd Yes! Hell No!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Oh Gawd Yes! (1)
 Hell No! (5)

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Hellno(17753) pic

Should We Fight Terror With Terror?

Now.... before most of you say we already are.... what I'm suggesting is, should we send an American into a.... lets say, a market or mall in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia... have them scream "God bless American" and then blow everyone up?

Oh Gawd Yes!

Side Score: 1

Hell No!

Side Score: 6

it could replace the death penalty...

Side: Oh Gawd Yes!
2 points

I say.... of course not, but I was just wondering if anyone would argue 'yes'? And I was just trying to liven things up a bit. :D

Side: Hell No!
1 point

No. Two wrongs do not make a right. We have the right to defend ourselves, but we do not have the right to become terrorists for any reason. You rock for agreeing, Hellno.

Side: Hell No!

They talked about this on Voltron, and the conclusion was that it's wrong.

Side: Hell No!
1 point

If we use terror system to punish the terrorist, what is the the differences between us and them. If there's still a way to solve this kind of problem without any terror, we must use it.

Side: Hell No!
1 point

Hell no! Eye for an eye...head for a head...slave for a for life... this sort of revenge that cost life an inability on someone just caused more hatred and revenge.

But I wonder why certain people keep suicide bombing themselves. Oh I know! They believe heaven is waiting for them to die with such "honor".

GOD! I wish religion never exist.. especially the one that produce suicide bomber.

Side: Hell No!