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It should be used It shouldn't be ever used
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 It should be used (4)
 It shouldn't be ever used (7)

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ussen(19) pic

Should any countries use capital punishment?

The issue is that whether any countries should the ruke of death penalty for imprisoners or not. 

It should be used

Side Score: 4

It shouldn't be ever used

Side Score: 9

If someone was to murder maybe 15 people for example and nothing really happens to the guy then it's wrong. It has been believed that, by old testament biblical readings, that if you kill someone you die as well. In society we will pardon this. In America sure lets get rid of it, but all countries may still want to keep this tradition. So not ALL countries but any willing country.

Side: It should be used
ussen(19) Disputed
1 point

Do not you think that if a country will continue executing criminals then there is a chance to make people be against the government? Explain

Side: It shouldn't be ever used
1 point

If someone kills a massive number of people is it fair in the victims eyes to have someone sit in jail for the rest of their lives? People will oppose government for any reason especially when people dont get what they want. Government opposition has been ever present in multiple instances along the course of history. People oppose taxation, business regulations, moral laws, etc. When it comes to human life its a touchy subject. The people that lost their families lives will want justice. In America we can get rid of this because we tend to value life. Other countries dont value it as much. They may want the method of prosecution. See what im saying?

Side: It should be used
2 points

Punishing someone for murder by murdering someone is pretty hypocritical.

Read the universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to life is guaranteed for EVERYONE.

Side: It shouldn't be ever used
2 points

It's barbaric. We say you cannot murder and yet we say we can murder. It is nonsensical.

In a matter of a couple hundred years it will look as weird and barbaric as the rack looks today, but people are animals and not there yet.

More immediate the reasons everyone should be against the death penalty are these facts death penalty proponents simply ignore:

1. It does not work as a deterrent at all.

2. It is more expensive than life in prison for society.

3. No one in a super max has ever escaped in history so if this is the worry put all those who would be on death row in a super max prison.

4. We kill the wrong person, like all the time it turns out, which makes us as bad as whichever killer got away in those cases.

The last is the most important. If one time in a nation's entire history they kill the wrong person, there should be a massive backlash against that practice if there is even a chance of it happening again.

We do it all of the time, and many seem to not care in the least, which truly makes me worry for those people's ability to evolve within a society.

Side: It shouldn't be ever used

capital punishment is hypocritical..."lets teach others that murder is wrong by murdering the original murderer"

Side: It shouldn't be ever used

All countries should end the barbaric practice. Capital Punishment is awful.

Side: It shouldn't be ever used