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Legal! Crime!
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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 Legal! (8)
 Crime! (5)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Should assisted suicide be legal?

For years, legislation has defined the act of assisted suicide as a crime in violation of state statutes. What is your opinion on this matter? Assisted suicide is defined as aiding a person to commit suicide for which constitutes the crime of manslaughter in various degrees.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 5

But what the person was like hey can I borrow your gun I lost mine and i wanted to go hunting. Or hey give this note to my mom but don't open it or hey can you drive me to so and so bridge? I wanna take a pic and post in on instagram. I mean i dont think it should really. I mean unless you like had this super devious plan to sabotage this person and make them xommit suicide.

Side: Legal!
sayyad99(773) Clarified
1 point

Assuming that assisted suicide was a crime and you lend someone your gun for the purposes of hunting or passed a note to his or her mom without knowing the contents of such note does not mean you can be charged with the crime of assisted suicide because in order for there to be a crime of assisted suicide, there must be two elements present. These elements are known as 'mens rea' and 'actus reus.' The mens rea basically states that the person has to possess the mental intent to commit the crime knowingly and voluntarily.

Side: Legal!
LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

Oh so the question is asking if they consciously know and choose to actually help with a suicide should be legal or not?

Side: Legal!

Usually when people talk about assisted suicide, they're talking about people who are dying anyway, and they just want to spare them the pain. Of course that should be legal.

Side: Legal!
0 points

Fuck yes! I agree! :)

Side: Legal!

I have always believed that a government cannot justifiably make laws about something that it cannot possibly experience. The government bulldozing our right to die is just another example of then abusing their power as a majority to hunt the minority in a nakedly canine fashion. Self-identification is the watchword here; the government cannot determine your feelings for you. If they did, it would be a dictatorship. Religious arguments against assisted suicide are moot for two reasons:

1. Your personal beliefs do not trump established facts and sometimes your belief comes second to the greater good. The simple equation of "rights of many > your wants" is a fundamental aspect of any functioning democracy.

2. Even if you agree that "all life is precious", you religious people presumably believe in both a physical life and a spiritual life. Would you not agree that the most "precious" course of action would be to allow them to reach a spiritual life more quickly instead of leaving them to wallow in an unfulfilling nadir of a physical life?

Side: Legal!
1 point

I really don't understand assisted suicide. Why does a person need some else to assist in killing themselves? If your going to take your life away don't let someone else hold the burden of having to kill you.

Side: Crime!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

So what about this act makes it a crime? How is this act different from a justifiable killing?

Side: Legal!
Sinknight(518) Disputed
1 point

I researched much of the Matthew Donally case and I am just going to state my opinion.

In a case where someone is desiring death and someone fulfills that plea, shouldn't be done by a person who has no authority. If someone desires to die, they need to notify the police so that can handle the procedure or even help them not desire death.

As well, if you legalize this it will just be like the Stand Your Ground Law. People will use the legalization of assisted suicide in defense of killing a person on purpose because, "they said they desired to die so I just helped out."

You have to take it in the perspective that not everyone is going to use the legalization of assisted suicide the right way. A person like Matthew Donally could of been saved but his brother killed him because his brother assumed he wanted to die.

Side: Crime!
1 point

Why is murder illegal? Simple, you're taking a life. If it's your choice or not doesn't change that one fact, a life is still being taken.

Side: Crime!
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

People have the right to choose. If I had a terminal disease that would eventually kill me, I would want to die, and that would be my right. It is cruel to force someone to live a miserable existence.

Side: Legal!
Julius(201) Disputed
1 point

But at the same time, there are places that do have euthanasia illegal. Yet, why should it be legal for you to get someone else to do it? It's cruel to have someone else do it.

Side: Crime!