
Debate Info

Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 YES (3)
 NO (2)

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kwinka(11) pic

Should bicycles be allowed on sidewalks?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
1 point

Cars are much faster than cyclists. So cars can easily hit bicycles.

Side: YES
1 point

Skateboards don't bother me just like bicycles don't bother me, so, I do not feel skateboards should be banned in public places.

Side: YES
1 point

I can tell you why I love scooters) I drove to the grocery store - less than a mile from my house. It took 45 minutes. The next day, my wife asked me to go back to the store again. I took my backpack and scooter and the round trip only took 15 minutes. So it is profitable, convenient and fast, so I advise you to also buy a scooter, for example, here Сherry Wheel. I'm sure you'll be satisfied.

Side: YES
2 points

Because of the speed difference, cyclists cannot always avoid walking people. People could hurt badly. For this reason, bicycles should use roads.

Side: NO
1 point

Due to the disparity in speed, cyclists are not always able to maneuver around pedestrians, potentially resulting in serious injuries. Therefore, it is advisable for bicycles to utilize roadways to mitigate the risk of accidents and ensure the safety of all individuals involved. doodle baseball

Side: NO