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Debate Score:23
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Should emotionally breaking a person be a crime?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 12
1 point


Side: Yes
1 point

Its called "harassment ."

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes i have been a target for bullying and i have felt suicidal and horribly depressed i do think it should be a crime

Side: Yes
1 point

Me too, if you need some advise on how to overcome it talk with me :)

Side: Yes

Causing mental anguish toward another individual should be a crime.

Side: Yes
2 points

Emotions are too radical to let them control your judgement. If we began arresting people because they offended someone who has issues where they are too easily offended, the prisons would be full to the nines.

Side: No
1 point

What about the guys who emotionally abuse they spouse or girlfriend? What about emotional child abuse? This would make criminal acts much simpler and gives them a free pass or a basic slap on the wrist. This would be highly illogical.

Side: Yes
2 points

That all would be highly illogical. The emotions of people are too unpredictable. Evidence of this is the number of unmedicated, unaware bipolar people in this country. A bipolar person who doesn't know they are bipolar could easily be in one of their down moods, when a random bystander offends them in someway. What then, the bipolar person presses charges for 'hurt feelings'?

Side: No

I don't think so, because people in this case the alleged victim needs to take more responsibility, and either move away from the situation or get a restraining order on the 'emotional breaker'.

Side: No
1 point

There are various ways and levels of severity in which one can interpret:"emotionally breaking a person." Depending on how severe it is, such as harassment, hate speech.etc, a suitable punishment is given. However, emotional issues are dealt with differently than physical crimes because they can be forgiveness. Certain physical crimes cannot be healed with time. Even if it were a crime to "emotionally break" a person, most of the population would be guilty.The court would not have a clear criteria anyway. Emotionally breaking a person is criminal in all our minds, but making it a crime in a court of law leaves room for error.

Side: No

OK, say you do make it a crime, how would you enforce it? How much of "emotional abuse" is a crime? Aren't many forms of "emotional abuse" already part of other crimes e.i. sexual harassment?

Side: No