
Debate Info

Yes, EE should be encouraged No, EE shouldn't be encouraged
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, EE should be encouraged (1)
 No, EE shouldn't be encouraged (1)

Debate Creator

Seth_Tan(133) pic

[S3-03] Should ethnic enclaves be encouraged?

Please provide a solid response to your take on the debate motion. As far as possible, your answers should be framed in the PEEL format, as points will be awarded for solid arguments.

Yes, EE should be encouraged

Side Score: 1

No, EE shouldn't be encouraged

Side Score: 1
1 point

Great post i really like it Cloud

Side: Yes, EE should be encouraged
Alejannonc(1) Disputed
1 point

A very good piece of information is mentioned here in the blog that can surely do increment in our knowledge. When we want to share ideas with other in reviews form we must have to be very careful about the facts either they are meaningful or not.

Side: No, EE shouldn't be encouraged
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