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Parents should be punished Parents should not be punished
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Parents should not be punished (2)

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vcaruana(17) pic

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Should parents be punished for the crimes of their children?

In some areas and under some laws, parents can be punished for the crimes of their minor children (under 18). 

Parents should be punished

Side Score: 0

Parents should not be punished

Side Score: 2
Winning Side!
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Parents shouldn't be punished for what their kids do. Sometimes, no matter how much the parents teach them, children make stupid mistakes. Parents shouldn't be held accountable for everything their children do. If the child does something that does cause financial harm, etc. to someone else then the parents should have to pay it, if they are good parents they will end up charging the children anyway.

Side: Parents should not be punished

It all depends on how they raise them. If they spank their children, that's how they be a parent. If they go to jail because of the murder on the child, well... we know what happens. Lets just hope for enlightened, inspired kids in the future.

Side: Parents should not be punished