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Debate Score:15
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LittleMisfit(1745) pic

Should parents of morbidly obese children be charged with child abuse?

Should parents who over-feed their children, making them morbidly obese, be charged with child abuse?  Obviously this shouldn't include children who are obese due to medical conditions.  This is only about about parents who over-feed their children. 


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 8
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1 point

There's no such thing as morbid obesity without medical or genetic cause.

The only way for someone to become so obese is to either have natural appetite too large for their own good or to have metabolism too low.

No way is it possible to non-medically make a child obese.

Side: No
1 point

If a child has an "appetite too large for their own good" it is up to the parents to see that they don't eat too much. For example, these children are obese because their parents feed them as much as they want. Those are the kinds of parents I'm talking about. They should be charged with child abuse because they are killing their kids.

Side: Yes
Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

But you said in all non-medical reasons.

I'm saying there exists no non-medical reason for child morbid obesity.

Side: No
Julius(201) Disputed
1 point

If a child becomes depressed and cuts, should their parent be held responsible? By your logic, yes. It's up to the parents to make sure they stay happy.

Side: No

Trying to make your kid exercise when he doesn't want to, can be seen as child abuse, so trying to see letting them eat too much as child abuse would be an oxymoron.

Also some people have weight issues that spring from bad genetics.

Side: No
1 point

If you read the debate description I'm specifically talking about parents who over-feed their children, like the ones in this video. I'm not talking about weight issues caused by genetics.

Side: Yes

In that case I agree.

Side: Yes
1 point

no, but they should be better informed how to deal with weight issues. not all weight issues are caused by eating junk food and laziness.

as for me, No matter how healthy i eat (which i do) and no matter how much exercise i get, im always gunna struggle with my weight. (iv'e always been an active kid and teen, loves playing sports, swimming, and jogging)

Side: No

It is a two way street. There are lots of kids who crave junk food and the parents are only trying to make their kids happy.

Side: No