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Debate Score:3
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Should parents share embarrassing photos and stories of their kids online?

Should parents share embarrasing photos and stories of their kids online?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 2
1 point

certainly, why not. From everlasting no single person has remained as eternal guest on our beloved Mother-Earth, since everyone on it is temporary guest with certain limited lifetime. But it doesn’t empower us to use its boons at disposal of our myriadunjustified needs, but vice versa it means that since first moment of the birthweareup-assigned to take care of its natural recourses, to protect them and use them properly in case of need. Howevernevertheless,by mischance,overpopulating mount of Earth inhabitants don’t realize the sacred sense of their existence as a human being and do waste common resources to the detriment of future outnumbering generation by neglecting others’ fair Earth-share. They like worms don’tnotice falling leaves of the tree they are and suck it as long as if it is last time.Garrett Hardin in his article took into account bunch of possible ways to sort out this issue. In particular he proposes several solutions but each of them is very likely to present a little percentage of their disadvantages and advantages. In objective point of view each of these solutions are available to have been accomplished but at the same time they may result in other undesirable changes in progressive long run.

Side: Yes
1 point

not, of course.His claim made a lot of sense. In fact,partiallyin his opinion, we should not treat the poorer countries like a charity case rather treat them like actual capable, intelligent human beings. It’s not the easiest issue to persuade, but I think his evidence really helped the reader understand why he stood by his claim.

He used a lot of numbers to back his claim up, and his method of persuasion was definitely logos. He brought up the case of population increase, and even used history to emphasize his point. He even brought up probable arguments against his case and rationally explained why he did not believe they were valid. His use of logic and facts were extremely convincing.

Side: No

Parents can share embarrassing moments with other IF they want to embarrass their children. Most good parents would understand how they would feel and how their kids would feel bad. And the most important thing is, no one cares about anyone's children or your life. There must be a border of privacy.

Side: No