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Debate Score:5
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should prostitution be legal?


Side Score: 5


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1 point

Yes, then you can tax it like any other service and use the money for encouraging girls to not go into prostitution.

Side: Yes

People need to make money, and the way we usually do that is to make a product to sell, or sell products we buy.

Sometimes we become the product ourselves, and I'm not just talking about prostitution. Surrogate mothers are a great example of how you can be a product yourself, in some kind of acceptable way ( I know some people have something against them, but whatever)

If the woman isn't forced to do it, if she can get help getting out of it if she wanted to I don't see why you should deny her making that her profession.

Side: Yes
1 point

Regulate it and make it a healthier, safer industry plus jack up the charges for hooking illegally? What's not to like? I mean, I don't exactly like prostitution, but it's been around for a long, long time and it is definitely not going away.

Side: Yes

If it were it'd cut down on the crime related with it. Not by much though, they'd need to make some sort of united organization out of it, or else people would continue to do it on the side so they don't lose money to taxes.

Side: Yes

The State can make revenue from State controlled houses of prostitution.

Side: Yes
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