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Debate Score:2
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should sale/rental of NC-17 films be restricted for those under 17?


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Maybe I think it should be for people under 16. Most high school teenagers should have the opportunity to view something that interest them. 16 year olds are still teens, arent they? That doesn't mean to change any age restrictions for any thing else. Not gambling(hmmmm), not drinking, not driving alone,and not the age requirement for president

Side: No
1 point

I believe that any parent taking their child to any film knows (or at least SHOULD know) what they're getting into. The NC-17 rating limits our freedom of speech and as history has shown, any film "branded" with the rating is very unsuccesful commercially. No film has ever grossed over $25 Million and it is referred to as the "kiss of death" in the film industry. If a movie offends you in any way, that's fine. DON'T WATCH IT THEN!

Side: No