
Debate Info

Of Course Absolutly not!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Of Course (3)
 Absolutly not! (5)

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Stephy112(36) pic

Should schools ban junk food?

food food food is that all kids think about now while they're at school?!

we should get rid of a high majority of this junk food from every school....not necssesarily us but somehow i hope it goes!  

Of Course

Side Score: 3

Absolutly not!

Side Score: 6
1 point

FROM THE CANTEENSSS only because all they care about is MONEYY $$$$$$$ MONEYY $$$$$$ and money.......i sound buzzare, dont i...well its all true! canteens prices are going up up upp and soon we'll be paying $5 for a cheese & bacon roll! this is CRAP! make a change people!

Side: Of course
Skamecrazy12(30) Disputed
2 points

£3 for a sandwich is a fairly normal occurance over here, so really the choice you have is either make your own or deal with it

Side: Absolutly not!
1 point

I believe they should because they don't have to sell it. If the people want it they can go buy it themselves at a store or something.

Side: Of Course

What people forget is that we need a BALANCED diet in order for our bodies to work properly. Why not serve "junk" food on certain days, healthy food on others

Side: Absolutly not!
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Balanced diet means protein, carbs, veggies, meat, fruits, natural sugars, etc.

Not the occasional lab-created glow in the dark monstrosity of a snack.

I don't care if someone treats themself occasionally.

But people don't know how to eat anymore and eating junk food occasionally has turned over the last two decades into after every meal.

Thus the US is a bunch of fat asses.

If you want junk food, eat it at home.

School's for learning, so let's reteach people how to eat starting there - obviously their fat parents can't teach them.

Side: Of course
1 point

No, I don't think that's necessary... They should provide plenty of healthy food for lunch but if a kid wants a hoho or something afterward I see the the big deal.

Side: Absolutly not!
1 point

They should not ban junk food, but they should make kids aware of what they are and what they do. A little fat now and then doesn't hurt and tastes good. But kids must know when to stop.

Since you aren't talking about McDonnald's JUUUUNK food, I vote no.

Side: Absolutly not!

Kids like junk food and it makes them happy, so, I don't want to see their happiness taken away from them.

Side: Absolutly not!