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Should schools ban teachers from being Facebook friends with students?


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I think, schools should not ban teachers to be friends with their students in Facebook. I don't see anything wrong in it. Moreover, I assume that it may be a little bit beneficial for both sides. For example, if a teacher and students are friends in Facebook, they would communicate with each other better as in social networks as in real life because it is even common interest. Consequently, it is known that common interests make us closer to each other. Moreover, teachers would able to learn more information about students. I think it is possible to understand their psychology by communication and friendship in social networks. However, I also suggest teachers to not to overdo it, they also should keep some kind of distance with them. For instance, some my teachers are my friends in Facebook, but we don't communicate with each other there. I mean that we just have each other in list of friends.

I think that it is also useful for upbringing of pupils because teachers can give some advice their students in facebook and they also may even control them in facebook.

According to Pamela Rutledge, friendship with teachers in facebook gives students sense of equality with them. They start to know their balance of work and even personal life. All these information cause interests of students to their teachers. It means that this friendship enhances trust between teachers and students. Moreover, it also helps them in education because they begin to hold strong motivation to study. To conclude, it could be reasonably argued that friendship in facebook is a good opportunity to make relationships between students and teachers stronger.

Side: No

All it entails is a teacher acknowledging one of her students, so, it is harmless and a teacher should not be fired for doing so.

Side: No