
Debate Info

It helps to learn the subject School is school, life is life
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 It helps to learn the subject (5)
 School is school, life is life (3)

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Saffron(94) pic

Should schools distribute Homework?

The U.S. Department of Education says that Homework for students in High School can range from 2.5 hours or more a day.

When you consider that kids already go to school for an average of 8-9 hours, should schools be forced to come up with a curriculum that can be worked out during the actual school day?

Note for debate; This does not include the occasional at-home assignment, essay or any unfinished work.

It helps to learn the subject

Side Score: 7

School is school, life is life

Side Score: 4
2 points

Yes schools should distribute homework because it helps students understand the subject better and learn more.

Side: It helps to learn the subject
2 points

If you play a sport, would you ever get any better at it if you did not practice? No, you would not. Homework is given so that students can learn and get better. Not to mention that you might find a new technique to do something.

Side: It helps to learn the subject

They should have homework because they need to practice the work they did in school. My mom is a teacher. She has to go home and make her plans even though she doesn't want too. Many times people have to bring their work home. Although the children are given 8-9 hours per day at school, they goof off for much of that time.

Side: It helps to learn the subject
1 point

Enhances students organization skills and reinforces personal


Side: It helps to learn the subject
0 points

Is there any way you can provide a link to this claim?

I'll provide a more detailed reply once it's possible to see how reliable or accurate or debateable that figure is.

Side: It helps to learn the subject
2 points

Personally, I've never learned a thing from homework. It's just been a huge waste of time =/

Side: School is school, life is life
1 point

I agree you go to school to learn for around 7-9 hours a day why should you have to come home after a hectic day and do more work. Children these days have better things to do.

Side: School is school, life is life

If schools extend the school hours, then homework should not be given.

Side: School is school, life is life