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Debate Score:8
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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Should students be permitted to go to a PG-13 or R rated movie.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 0

The notion that the MPAA knows better for what is appropriate for students to watch is simply insane and ludicrous. Students along with parents should have the ability of deciding what movies is most suited for their individual needs without the MPAA telling or restricting them what to watch.

Side: yes
2 points

Would anyone care to tell me why this is even a question?

Side: yes
2 points

Technically one in kindergarten is a student. Those students likely cannot afford a ticket anyway.

Otherwise, it's up to their parents. I would not be opposed to a child of my own seeing any movie at any time. However, last I checked students don't pay rent at their parent's home - so it is up to the parents.

Side: yes

If the student has their parent's permission to go with a teacher to see a PG-13 or R rated movie, then it is O.K.

Side: Yes
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