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Debate Score:167
Total Votes:200
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be said in schools?


Side Score: 76


Side Score: 91
4 points

It can encourage patriotism and even political discussion, so the answer to the question is "yes."

Side: yes
2 points

Why would someone down vote your answer? They're some real whack jobs on this site... I bumped ya back up.

Side: yes
2 points

I voted him down because I don't agree with his statement. Sorry if that's what down voting isn't used for.

Side: No
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

How can it encourage patriotism?

How can it encourage political discussion?

Expound please.

Side: No
AltonSmith(111) Disputed
2 points

It causes people (namely students) to feel, at least, respect toward the nation when they are required to recite the Pledge. Also, teachers can start discussions regarding said recitation and create an atmosphere of political curiosity, particularly as the quality of civic discussion in the U.S. has decreased.

Side: yes
4 points

Yes! Kids need to respect the country and not take it for granted because they can lose it.

Side: yes
7 points

If we teach them instead of forcing them then they will respect our country more. Teens will rebel against anything forced on them period.

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Do we have to teach them how to go to school too? No! They have to go... they're kids and sometimes they have to be told what to do.

Side: yes
4 points

Totally agree. We're lucky to even be in America. We could be somewhere in a poor, horrible, trashy or under dictatorship country. It just disappoints me when the citizens of America can't and won't even do the simplest things.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

Saying the pledge of allegiance in schools comes with additional baggage which is reminiscent of the baggage found in poor, horrible, trashy dictatorships.

The simplest things, no matter how small, can be worth disapproving of and disobeying. There tends to be a reason people don't like saying the pledge in schools when they do, its not a sign of disrespect for is there anything more American than rebellion? Is rebellion not what has actually formed and shaped America ever more into the golden image it has? When someone pressures you, the American response is to say, more or less, "fuck you". When there is immense pressure by teachers, possibly other students, etc to conform then that pressure becomes enough to rebel or disobey.

Side: No
3 points

Absolutely, without question. It should be recited everyday.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

well, shouldn't we question it?

Why should it be recited everyday?

How should it be recited?


Side: No

It should be said like it is without question. This nation is should be under God instead of trying to be over Him.

Side: yes
3 points

Yes it's a great idea. I did it when I was in grade school and hell even through HS

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

Why is it a great idea?

Why did you do it in grade school, should you of, did you understand it?

why did you do it in high school, should you of, did you understand it?

Side: No
2 points

Yes we should. In my high school we recite it everyday. Some people don't and that's fine in our school, as long as they stand up while everyone else is standing. The people who don't recite it will usually just stand up and hold their arms by their sides. I would have to say 99% of the schools population does recite the pledge daily, though. In my opinion that is the way that it should be. Reciting the pledge is as someone above me has mentioned, showing respect for your country. This is once again in my opinion.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

Why should someone be forced to stand? Is that still participation in some form?

How does 99% of the school's population recite it?

Does it not bother you that they are merely reciting it, and only because they are told to?

How does such a process show respect?

Side: No
2 points

Although I got to thinking that the Pledge sounded kind of ... 1984-ish, I feel that it has great connotations to patriotism. I realize that simply saying the pledge probably doesn't automatically make one more patriotic, but it does give a sense of "I am an American".

And maybe, just maybe, if enough of our children view themselves that way, they'll be able to clean up the mess that the US of A has become.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes, but it should be modified. We are a nation founded on the principles that you have to right to believe whatever you choose to believe. yet throughout our structure we embed a devotion to god. Schools force you to pledge allegiance to this country, and as citizens we should do so willingly, but the mention and implied devotion to a god or any other religious figure should and must not be included. We try to claim we are open minded and that we encourage the practice of what ever belief structure that you want, but that is obviously not the case. You can practice whatever religion you want at home, but in public, or when spending money you had better believe in the religion of the powers that be. That is not freedom, it is a mockery of what we claim to stand for.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

Shouldn't people have the right to believe they shouldn't stand for the pledge, and thus for the same reasons why they shouldn't have to make a implied devotion to a religious figure they don't believe in, they shouldn't have to make a more explicit one for "patriotism".

Side: No
2 points

It should because we had hero's and not saying the Pledge Of Allegiance will just ruin the whole point of America.

Side: yes
2 points

I think it should be said, but not mandatory for every student to say it. I do think "under God" should be removed because it was not in the original pledge, and church and state need to be separate.

Side: yes
2 points

It needs to be said because people need to be reminded where they are. Because heaven forbid we should do anything really necessary like oh vote or stand up for our civil liberties that are slowly turning us into a freaking big brother run welfare state. Its much more important to keep 2 wars going overseas and troops stationed all over the world all in the name of democracy which a large part of the country doesn't practice in the first place. So yes a little emphasis on that you are a united states citizen proud to be one even if you dont always support those at the top should be encouraged because this is america not pakistan china or frigging france. Encourage people to have a little pride in their country by at the very least sayin the pledge of allegiance.

Side: yes
1 point

YES. Especially if you're in America. Our patriotism and faith in this country are going downhill. The last thing we should do is take the pledge out of schools. If you don't stand for this country, or support it, GET OUT OF AMERICA. It is not that hard to stand up for not even a minute before class starts, put your hand over your heart, and face the flag. Seriously.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

America was formed by rebellion, it was founded on it. So there is something...ah i hate this term but "unamerican" in expecting everyone to conform, to "respect" the government, etc. The expectation is often strong, and subjugating entire schools to it will result in some students recognizing its unamerican quality and thus consider standing for the pledge in that situation to be hypocritical and unpatriotic. So it is indeed very possible that those not standing are respecting the country, have a strong faith and strong patriotism for they will not participate in a mockery of their country.

Side: No
AltonSmith(111) Disputed
1 point

That assumes that reciting the Pledge leads to respect for the government. Rather, it promotes a sense of curiosity and possibly respect for the nation and its republican system.

Side: yes

You should have a choice, forcing our kids to say it instead of letting them want to say it themselves doesn't make them better Americans.

Side: No
8 points

Uuuhhhh, NO. Sorry, but this country isn't that great. You guys know there's a REASON the world hates us, right? America is a corporate wasteland, and if alot of people had their way, all our resources would be gone. While it's true that no one can force you to say anything, from kindergarten it's played as "The right thing to do", or "patriotism" When in fact we know nothing of the things we're saying! This is conditioning (instilling a set "Thats how it is, don't question" belief system on kids.). Children need to learn what they're saying before just saying it. The same way an innocent man confessing to a crime doesn't make him guilty, saying something you don't know the meaning of doesn't make you a patriot. Plus, kids are only ever shown the happy, sunny side of the US where equality reigns and there is freedom for all. You need to know everything before saying something like this, and children just don't.

Side: No
7 points

I didn't say it if I didn't want to. And even when I did, my arm was usually held straight out at a 45 degree angle.

Side: No
8 points

"And even when I did, my arm was usually held straight out at a 45 degree angle."


Side: No
casper3912(1556) Disputed
4 points

Its also how the flag was originally saluted :)

Side: No
6 points

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be forced to be said in schools? No. Last time I checked, it was: "We the People." Not: "We the Sheeple."

Side: No
1 point

B/c you cant force someone (a student) to say words most of them dont even know what they mean

Side: No
1 point

that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo true tho....... they dont even know what it means

Side: No