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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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wolverinetre(238) pic

Should the age of consent be 12?

The age of consent in Ancient Rome (best ancient civilization of all time) was 12. Does that make the men who married 12 year olds pedophiles? 


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3

Yes, puberty (12) is and has been completely acceptable throughout all of mankind's existence (except for now in parts of the world). Although, I also believe criminalizing anyone younger than 12 for consenting is also wrong. The push to keep raising the age is fairly recent for our species... and driven primarily by religious dogma. Their real goal is no sex outside of marriage.

Yes, disease and pregnancy are very real concerns. Non biased education and free access to healthcare (including condoms) are the answer. No need to resort to name calling, just think critically and rationally about it. Our beliefs are based largely on our social norms, which are dependent on where/when we are raised.

I know sexuality at a young age is innate and normal, not because of our current society... But because I had sexual desire at a very young age, before anyone ever mentioned sex to me (I didn't even know why I got an erection looking at my dad's Playboy magazines. I only knew, I was attracted to girls, wanted to see them naked and touch). I also played doctor when I was young with a girl my age, it was her idea (not that I didn't want to, I did). If you are honest with yourselves, didn't many of you have sexual desires young too? Why? Those desires weren't taught. Why? Because they are innate and normal. For this reason concensual sex should never be criminalized (and don't tell me 12 can't consent, I was fully aware by 12)

Side: Yes
2 points

No, the age of consent ought not be 12. Instead, it should be lower. Rather, let us remove the entire concept of "age of consent" - wherefore cannot a three year old consent to actions which a thirty year old can? There ought be no age of consent whatsoever!

Side: No

I would like to see the age of consent to be 21 because I feel maturity reaches its common sense denominator at that age.

Side: No
Progressive5(78) Disputed
1 point

Actually 21 is not the age we reach "common sense", depending on what you are talking about the actual age is 7 or 23/24. Let me explain, if you mean the age we can tell right from wrong that age is 7, if you mean full emotional maturity that age is 23/24. So, Im guessing (based on your argument) you'd be for raising the age even higher to 23 or perhaps 24. You are/were certainly welcome to wait, but to force others to is ridiculous.

Side: Yes