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Should have a president? Should not have a president?
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Should have a president? (4)
 Should not have a president? (2)

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TamiaN44(5) pic

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Should their be an elected president?

Should have a president?

Side Score: 4
Winning Side!

Should not have a president?

Side Score: 2
1 point

I'll vote for From Within for president.......but I imagine he too would fall to intimidation and bribes from evildoers. Why don't you move to Russia or China, or any Muslim nation where whoever has the most power rules and they are not constrained by law?

Side: Should have a president?
1 point

As the system stands the president is only one man in the USA political system (Assuming we are talking about the USA as that's chiefly where the term "President" is used)


he is not a typical citizen, nor a model citizen but is meant as a representative for the values of the majority of the american people. as such he is meant to act as the informed majority would act, without having to poll the entirety of a nation which would take too long a time.


the only logical alternative to this is a hive mind. which we've yet to do. so...until that point, a president is the best alternative.

Side: Should have a president?
Darkyear(345) Disputed
1 point

While you do make a very good case, the question is whether there should be an elected president. I argue there are ways that selecting does not have to equal electing.

Side: Should not have a president?
1 point

I don't know how I feel about a selected president. it would remove some logistics issues, but... it opens up a different crock of shit in terms of ways the president could become corrupted. then again, an elected official isn't exactly always perfectly stellar either


I know that citing the definition is BS. But i feel like it should be said that being "elected" is an inherent part of the definition of president. I looked it up because in my "head" definition election was a requirement for the leader to be considered president. So... I'd argue we can't consider this Selected official a "President" per se... but maybe I'm splitting hairs.


all that said, I don't know if I disagree or agree with a selected official Idea. if it was done by something computerized, or an otherwise black and white Criteria, then I feel like it could be a successful thing. but even that assumes that the selection process couldn't be superseded by assassinations, diplomatic shenanigans or other criminal manipulation of data, so that one candidate passes another in the Criteria.


I may be making too many base assumptions about how the selection works though, what are you meaning by a selection process?

Side: Should have a president?
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