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Debate Score:65
Total Votes:66
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giverupper(247) pic

Should tobacco have an age limit?

In this debate, I want you to explain why you think it should, or why you think it shouldn't have an age limit.

'It is dangerous' is not a valid argument, since playgrounds also are dangerous considering how many children have been killed there.

'One should decide for him/herself if they want to smoke, not the government'

That is not a valid argument either, because then you could also say, that one should decide for him/herself if they want to kill people, not the government.


Side Score: 33


Side Score: 32
3 points

Its about maturity, many people do not have it which questions their authority to handle tobacco

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't see the problem with deciding some things are within the purview of social law, and some are not. For example, playgrounds vs smoking for children.

Everything is potentially dangerous, this does not make mankind impotent to decide some things have more benefit than danger and others do not have more benefit than danger.

Might we be wrong sometimes? Sure, and we often are I'm sure.

But there is nothing wrong with trying, and in this case I'm fairly certain we are correct.

The problem with the premise is it eliminates all opinion either way, because each uses extremes and all things taken to extremes can be linked to your two points.

It's a pattern of trying to simplify all things, the problem is very few things, if anything, is actually simple.

Okay, that's a general point about the way the debate is setup. I do have a point for this specific subject.

Smoking leads to long term health problems, and starting before the lungs are fully developed increases the risks of these problems. At the same time children are less able to truly understand "long term" as it relates to them and are not as able as an adult to make decisions based on long term consequences. They may understand the idea of something being bad in the long run, but are less able to make the connection between themselves and what those long term hazards are, especially should it happen to be something they want to do in the moment for whatever reason.

As adults part of our collective job, even if their parents are idiots and are not doing it themselves, is to ensure the little future us-es are not unduly hampered by dangers and poisons before they themselves are able to make an adult decision about whether they want to smoke, jump out of planes, dive with sharks, whatever.

When they are an adult and able to truly understand the dangers and how they truly relate to them, that it's not just theory but a real thing that effects them, then they can make whatever choice they please. At least they should be allowed to.

Could that be seen as a slippery slope?

Sure, if one chooses to look at it that way.

I don't buy that view though. I think we are capable of drawing lines, however vague they may be, and adjusting these lines as we see fit as thinking reasonable animals.

I think the idea that we are not capable of at least trying to discern where these various lines may be does not do us as a species justice.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes it should.

My child might think smoking is a good idea at the age of 10 when the harmfull effects of smoking seems a long way off and any way it makes them feel grown up, but may see life very diffrently when he/she is 18 and wants to be an athlete.

Smoking should be an adult choice when you have a better understanding of the implications of your actions. Very few adults take up smoking and children are suckers for advertisment.

Side: Yes

You can still be an athlete and smoke. I cant tell you how many national-level swim meets I snuck out of to light one up in the parking lot. When my old team had the pool to ourselves we used to take bong rips and try to swim two laps underwater before exhaling.

Side: Yes

Uncured tobacco is a hallucinogen, and while tobacco today isnt uncured, it still has slight hallucinogenic effects, which makes cigarettes the REAL gateway drug into other things.

Im all for free choice but really people? you want kids puffing down cigarettes because they wont understand the health risks that go along with it and how it tars your lungs and not to mention kids would become addicted at a young age and would lead to obesity of all kinds, if you think there should be no limit on tobacco you are crazier than me

Side: Yes
naterdude(2) Disputed
1 point

Isnt this about being to old to smoke? That is what the tittle reads right? How would i go about getting high on uncured tobacco?

Side: No
1 point

Idk, i got being too young to smoke, im not sure what its asking, uncured tobacco will make you trip, and pure tobacco isnt THAT harmful, tobacco today is only harmful because of all the additives and poison

Side: Yes

I think tobacco should keep its age limit, after all, people under 18 can still get cigs, just know someone who is 18 and bam, your smoking something that doesn't get you high.

Side: Yes

Why not?????????? Tobacco affects others which may kill them. as they get addicted then they have lung cancer and die. Adults can control their adiction(hardly)

Side: Yes
1 point

without age limit, people who are underage can get addicted to it and it would be very bad if tobbaco had no age limit

Side: Yes
1 point

People who are too young should not smoke, as it is bad for their health. It will also affect other young people around them and influence them too.

Side: Yes

I understand.. Actually, scratch that. I don't understand why people enjoy smoking.

In my opinion, tobacco should be banned... everywhere. It is not beneficial in any way, and ruins lives, rather than saves them. However, this is obviously not a realistic point, so I'll just say that the age limit could be 21 years old I guess.

Side: Yes
1 point

Isn't their already an age limit?


Side: Yes
1 point

Of course! Only the best for me... I won't smoke any tobacco over a couple weeks old.

Side: Yes
1 point

Normally I wouldn't agree on government regulation of anything. But tobacco has many proven negative health benefits. I think it should have an age limit much the same that children are not allowed to drive a car. Meaning 10 years old children would definitely not understand the risks of smoking and should be protected until such a time as they can understand said risks.

Side: Yes

I think 21 should be the age for tobacco products just like it is for alcohol.

Side: Yes
2 points

Your examples are not analogous.

The reason libertarians don't believe in a restriction on tobacco is because smoking harms no-one but the smoker. Killing someone however, clearly does, and thus most libertarians are for some sort of measures to prevent it.

And tobacco is actually proven to harm you, making it dangerous. Any incidents occurring in a playground are merely circumstantial, and not caused by playgrounds.

Side: No
giverupper(247) Disputed
2 points

Smoking does actually harm people around you. Ever heard of second hand smoking ? It puts you on a greater risk of getting lung cancer and COL.

And tobacco is actually proven to harm you, making it dangerous. Any incidents occurring in a playground are merely circumstantial, and not caused by playgrounds.

Okey, let's take another example then.

What about all the stuff you put in your mouth ? I bet over half of that has a bunch of dangerous chemicals that can seriously harm you. Still this hasn't got any age limits.

Side: Yes
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
2 points

Smoking does actually harm people around you. Ever heard of second hand smoking ? It puts you on a greater risk of getting lung cancer and COL.

Statistics? Source?

Unless you're (to quote Guitaristdog) "blowing a hit the size of Hurricane Issac" in their face, the effects of smoking are negligible. And even then, that's a reason to ban it in public places, not to age restrict it.

What about all the stuff you put in your mouth ? I bet over half of that has a bunch of dangerous chemicals that can seriously harm you. Still this hasn't got any age limits.

And why isn't that? Why don't we ban doughnuts, or KFC, or fizzy drinks?

Because only the consumer is affected. It's not the government's job to coat us in bubblewrap. People wanna coat their lungs in vile shit? Let the people coat their lungs in vile shit. They're paying for it.

Side: No
1 point

Smoking does actually harm people around you. Ever heard of second hand smoking ? It puts you on a greater risk of getting lung cancer and COL.

Second hand smoke it usually looked at as if you and the smoker were hit sharing. If you looked at it objectively you would understand that there is a world of difference between inhaling all the smoke into your lungs, holding it, then repeating it many times rather than simply smelling it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Smoking does actually harm people around you. Ever heard of second hand smoking ? It puts you on a greater risk of getting lung cancer and COL.

Yeah, better not smoke in public, you'll murder someone...

What's wrong with you?

Side: No

'One should decide for him/herself if they want to smoke, not the government'

This is a valid argument. Smoking affects your body, killing someone affects another's body. Your analogies suck.

Side: No
1 point

I started a debate on whether there should be age restrictions for anything, but age restrictions for tobacco are ridiculous.

The parents are the ones who are supposed to decide if a child SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED to do something that may be harmful towards their health. Never have we truly agreed that it is the duty of the government to restrict items from children just because there's some overly angry parents out there who want the government to do their job for them.

Instead, what we have done is just pass laws with no real argument other than "it's bad for you." The issue is that... well, shit, a lot of things are bad for you. Now, this only becomes a pattern. Porn was almost banned for that very same bullshit. Luckily it would have violated free speech laws. Unfortunately, there are actual laws saying that porn CAN NOT be distributed towards children, yet there is no specificity in what constitutes porn. Other issues came from banning vending machines from public schools because it encourages obesity.

Truly, the argument to be against age limits is that there is no real argument for age limits... specifically tobacco. Sort of like the arguments on whether there is a God or not. Maybe God DOES exist, but until someone provides a true argument showing that he does, it's pointless to argue against his existence.

Side: No
modorichie(152) Disputed
1 point

There is no test for becoming a parent, some are good at it and some are not.

I personaly don't belive anyone under the age of 18 should be alowed responsibility for their children, the grand parent must accept responsibility, if not then the state should take them into care.

And I'm not a fan of the state getting involved in peoples liives, it's simply someone needs to step in and sort out the idiots so I don't have to deal with their fk ups later on in my life.

To hell with it, I'll even go the whole authoriterian route and say, your going to be parents? Okay, Take this test. Didn't pass? No problem, we'll look after the kids and pay for it out of your wages/social security, you can take the test again in three months.

Harsh? Brining up kids until they become adults is harsh. yet people constantly think it's going to be a peace of cake, comes naturally or some other bull and then society pays the price.

Right I'm calm now!

So yeah, there should be an age restriction because it would restrict access and some parents can't be trusted to boil an egg.

Side: Yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

There is no test for becoming a parent, some are good at it and some are not.


I personaly don't belive anyone under the age of 18 should be alowed responsibility for their children, the grand parent must accept responsibility, if not then the state should take them into care.

Right... and this assists your argument how?

it's simply someone needs to step in and sort out the idiots so I don't have to deal with their fk ups later on in my life.

Underage people LEGALLY being allowed to smoke cigarettes effects you how? I feel that Liberal propaganda fucks people's brains up and I would rather not deal with it, but I'm not going to advocate legislation against it.

your going to be parents? Okay, Take this test. Didn't pass? No problem, we'll look after the kids and pay for it out of your wages/social security, you can take the test again in three months.

Why? Who makes the test? Why are they best for deciding what constitutes a proper parent and not? Are nudists capable of taking care of children? Gun advocates? Racists? Muslims? Homeless people? Anarchists? Gays?

Harsh? Brining up kids until they become adults is harsh. yet people constantly think it's going to be a peace of cake, comes naturally or some other bull and then society pays the price.

Examples? Evidence?

there should be an age restriction because it would restrict access and some parents can't be trusted to boil an egg.

I don't trust you to make laws.

Side: No

The analogy between smoking and murder is weak considering smoking harms indivduals while murder harms others.

Also with the age limits, smoking among the youth wii remain, and they will get cigrettes in some other means.

Side: No
1 point

People should have the right to do what they wish to there body. As long as its not hurting others, ( boo hoo my grandpas dead is not hurting.) Why would you want to deny a 60 or 70 year old smoker the right? I want to die happy. I think they do too.

Another thing to think about is the minimum age to smoke. Most kids can get smokes if they need them. It would be much easier for a grown person. I will smoke what i want, when i want.

Side: No
1 point

If kids are dumb enough to smoke it... let it be... thats what ive got to say... you know it doesnt make you cool... OOh look at me im so cool ive got lung cancer... I mean today we have 11 year olds looking for a smoke... but thats their choice... they started to smoke... so thats there problem ... not ours...

Side: No