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Debate Score:12
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Should we lower the voting age to 14 or 16?

I was wondering what anyone thinks about this.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 7
1 point

Yes. I think it should. I think 14 would be the better option because it would give younger people a right to vote and try to change society, especially with how many people are becoming informed on politics these days.

Side: Yes
1 point

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1 point

The repair industry not only extends the lifespan of electronic gadgets but also contributes to sustainability by reducing electronic waste. Repair

Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: Yes
1 point

No, I feel that an embryo should have the same voting rights as those who have already been born.

In this scenario the unborn infant will be able to have some influence as to the type of world into which it will emerge.

A polling card, or in the case of multiple unhatched fetuses, cards and marker(s) could be passed up to the new member of the electorate for their use.

Side: No
1 point

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Side: No
1 point

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Side: No
1 point

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1 point

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Side: No
1 point

I'm genuinely thankful for your active participation in this crucial discussion. It's frustrating to see how many individuals resort to extreme arguments these days. Your concise and relevant insights add an exciting dimension to this ongoing debate.

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Side: No
0 points

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Side: No