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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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elizy(117) pic

Should we spend all our money on medical research?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 6
1 point

First of all diharrea is not a huge problem in Canada. We have the right medicine and knowledge to treat it for the most part. In this part of the world, we also have clean water. 99.7 percent of Canada do NOT live in poverty. What we can assume is that the debate is reffering to the US and Canada when they say ‘we’.

Side: Yes
1 point

Also, medical research in this part of the world also helps worldwide. Knowledge we find here can help in all the other continents.

Side: Yes

Medical research should be the #1 priority. Cancer and other diseases need to be cured.

Side: Yes

All our money? Of course not, what's the point of researching for cures and treatments that no-one can afford?

Side: No
1 point

While there are many untreatable sicknesses, we need to think about the people dying because of diharrea. There are hundreds of people dying every day because of starvation, they might be living in places with antiquate housing. For example, there might be mold growing in the walls, the plumbing might not work or they could be drinking dirty water. All these problems we could easily fix, we just have to recognize that it is happening.

Side: No
1 point

Illnesses lead to millions of deaths every year but so do wars, starvation, natural disasters, etc. While a god amount of our money should be directed toward finding cures, a lot of widespread diseases could be solved (or at least minimized) just by giving people better conditions to live in. Money needs to be allocated toward education, armies, agricultural methods, renewable energy, and a lot of other worthy causes.

Side: No
1 point

Why spend all your money trying to extend life if you aren't going to spend any enjoying it?

Side: No
fredo(16) Disputed
1 point

There are people that lead wonderful lives. Think of yourself as one of those people, and then you get some terminal disease, and there's nothing you can do about it because no one has bothered to try to find a cure.

Side: Yes
1 point

There's a few problems with this. One being that ALL our money on something that's just going to prolong something that's going to happen anyway. Two, we're over populated as it is, why keep more people around?

Also, I think we can spend our money more on enjoying life instead of working to prolong it.

Side: No
1 point

What's the point in living a long life if the life lacks satisfaction? Now, I'm a strong believer in the sentiment that money does not bring happiness, but some money is a must. How else can you go places, buy the things you want, eat out at a fancy restaurant, etc. if you're wasting all of your money on prolonging your miserable existence?

Side: No