
Debate Info

It helps us to be more attract Women become addicted to surge
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 It helps us to be more attract (3)

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miranarem(23) pic

Should women use cosmetic surgery?

It helps us to be more attract

Side Score: 3

Women become addicted to surge

Side Score: 0
1 point

Transform Your Beauty Routine with Nikol Beauty Cosmetics! From luxurious lipsticks to captivating eyeshadows, our products are designed to enhance your natural beauty Elevate your look and confidence with Nikol Beauty Cosmetics - because you deserve to shine!

Side: It helps us to be more attract
1 point

Hello there. Known for its high-quality products and innovative technologies, the cosmetic brand Il Makiage is becoming more and more popular among beauty connoisseurs every year. Il Makiage offers its clients a wide range of products for the face, eyes, and lips, so everyone can choose the ideal cosmetic product for themselves. But if difficulties arise with the choice, just contact il makiage and you can get excellent advice on any product that interests the buyer.

Side: It helps us to be more attract
1 point

I think it's not really necessary and it's usually more of a problem as time goes on there are alot of things that people can do to make themselves more attractive with just simple things like diet changes and exercise. I actually get most of my stuff from this store as my way of being more "attractive"

Side: It helps us to be more attract
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