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brycer2012(1002) pic

South Africa Post Apartheid

Do you think that since the end of apartheid the South African nation has converted to racism against whites?

**Plese post only things for South Africa**


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0

I don't know about South Africa, but I can say that it has happened in America. You can say anything you want to a white person, but you must hold your tongue around a black.

Side: yes

If there are all at war with aliens, then they probably call them supporting heros. Whites are to have many nicknames. They removed Native Americans from their land. used African Americans as slaves, and used a lot of Mexicans to harvest the crops at a low price. Do you think that they should be sorry for themselves?

Side: yes

South Africa Apartheid had some real truculent laws that enforced the segregation of different races and cement the power and the dominance by the Whites.

In defense of the natives, there would be a sense of retaliation because of the hatred geared towards them.

The most infamous laws were the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, in 1949, and Population Registration Act of 1950 or the Suppression of Communism Act, which banned the formation of a Communist Party in South Africa.

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