
Debate Info

Affirmative Negative
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 Affirmative (1)
 Negative (2)

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marnie123(15) pic

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Sport is better than nothing!

Auissie kids and others should be doing sport because its a fun way to keep fit an a fun way to make new friends. Smile


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
Winning Side!
0 points

Sport keeps kids healthy and they learn the rules so they DONT hurt them selves! Therefore kids SHOULD play sport

Side: Affirmative

Nothingness means there is nothing anyway.

Sports means you can break bones.

Side: Negative
1 point

This is not a debate question. It is a fallacious argument. If you agree, you merely inflate the OP's views. If you disagree, then you are a horrible/lazy/whatever person.

To be fair, if we're going by literal definition, I sometimes feel it is better not to have been born at all. Woe to those cursed to live in this world.

Side: Negative