
Debate Info

Yes, it can be useful No, it is a bad idea
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Yes, it can be useful (1)

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GenericName(3430) pic

State-Run Media

Governor Mike Pence of India recently announced that he would be unvailing a state-run news outlet that he claims is meant to help bolster small news organizations.  Members of some smal lnews organizations in Indiana have claimed it is a bad idea that will simply release pro-administration (in this case Mike Pence's administration) stories.

So do you think that a state-run media outlet is a good idea that can be beneficial, or is a bad idea? 

Yes, it can be useful

Side Score: 1

No, it is a bad idea

Side Score: 0
1 point

Its useful if its just one news outlet of many.

This is all about balance and as long as all points of view have access to news outlets, no one is suppressed and everyone gets the opportunity for freedom of speech then the public will decide who will be who at the zoo come election time.

Side: Yes, it can be useful
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