
Debate Info

Legalize it! Don't legalize it!
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:25
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 Legalize it! (13)
 Don't legalize it! (3)

Debate Creator

GuitaristDog(2538) pic


I'm a little annoyed with a weed debate being created everyday, so this is the weed debate to end all weed debates!

Legalize it!

Side Score: 19

Don't legalize it!

Side Score: 4

If your over on that side --->

I hope someone slips 30 hits of lsd into your drink when you go to a Halloween event.

Side: Legalize it!
2 points

Wait... what?

Side: Legalize it!
2 points

It should be legalized because it only hurts the people who want it to hurt them. It doesn't physically or psychologically hurt your body. it only hurts people who think that it's a horrible drug, and are watching their loved ones use it. Marijuana doesn't hurt the user, it hurts the ignorant people around the user

Side: Legalize it!
rollership(5) Disputed
1 point

I do not support this persons ignorant argument that Marijuana hurts people!

Cannabis cures cancer as proved by Harvard researchers, "Heavy marijuana smokers are 70% less likely to get cancer" say A scientist on Science Friday radio show. Therefore you can not say that marijuana hurts them if their loved ones smoking pot are actually living and not dying of cancer or suffering all the other 16 ailments it is as yet been found to cure.

Side: Legalize it!
2 points

Is ams smoksins da marijuana on alls da day cycle!

Weed is ams da REAL DEAL!

Side: Legalize it!

There are high funcktoning stoners nad low fucktoning tsoners. I'm a hgih funktioning stoner!1!1!!

Side: Legalize it!

I can definitely tell you're a high functioning stoner due to the sheer amount of excessive grammatical mistakes. Congrats.

Side: Legalize it!

Excuse me, do you have any source for this, I'd like to see a source of the definition of stoner and grammatical mistakes.

Side: Legalize it!

as long as you gain intelligence and wisdom out of it then it should be legalized, epiphanies ftw

Side: Legalize it!
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

What if you do not? ?

Side: Legalize it!
1 point

then you shouldnt be taking drugs

Side: Don't legalize it!

WHy not legalize it ?

Side: Legalize it!

States can make plenty of revenue from the sale of legalized marijuana.

This type of prohibition existed during the Roaring 20's but with alcohol.

Side: Legalize it!
1 point

Weed is very dangerous, and also, I would like 30 hits of LSD on halloween.

Side: Don't legalize it!

30 hits of acid at a Halloween event? Alright, hope you enjoy the worst trip ever!

Side: Legalize it!
Emperor(1340) Disputed
0 points

Wow, fuck you.

Why would you hope I enjoy the worst trip ever? You're such a dick.

I was only joking.

Only a tyrant would seek to illegalize a plant.

Side: Don't legalize it!