
Debate Info

Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Talk: Hellno and Prodigee (16)

Debate Creator

LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Talk: Hellno and Prodigee

Hellno, Prodigee, here is a chance to get to known each other using only NICE statements. The community is here to get you two all "Buddy Buddy". 

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3 points

Why would we want that to happen? Long live the feuding nature of CD'ers.


1 point


1 point

Wait??? I'm supposed to post something nice about Prodigay?

Yes. Something NICE about Prodigee.......I know somehow that this won't be "friendly" but we can try.

1 point

Uhhhh..... his grammar is okay... I guess.

1 point

Hellno is the best at what he does, the most efficient of all of his kind and the most brilliant of artists of his sort.

What he does is fail.

His kind are losers.

The sort of artist he is is one who portrays any and all magnificent beings as ugly ones.

1 point

Don't use your syntax to sound nice give it actually meaning. A true compliment.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Make him edit the 'Prodigay' and 'jackass' and officially apologise for posting that in the other thread in this debate and I might forgive him and change this to a genuine compliment.