
Debate Info

Tea Coffee
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Tea (8)
 Coffee (8)

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TheEccentric(3381) pic

Tea vs Coffee


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 10

You can get loads of different types of tea, black, green, yellow, herbal and can get flavours put in it which you can't in coffee.

Also tea is more cultured.

Side: Tea
2 points

its supposed to be "coffee, tea or me?" duh

Side: Tea

Its calming

Side: Tea
1 point

I'm not a lover of either, the only Tea I like is Green Tea.

Side: Tea
1 point

I don't like either but the taste and smell of coffee is revolting! It makes me feel sick :P

Side: Tea

Much better variety, better smells, not inherently bitter.

Side: Tea

Tea. Tea actually contains more caffeine, but since making coffee requires more beans, coffee turns out to be the energy-enhancing one. It also makes you poop, and it's bitter to the extent that you cannot stop the flavor.

Side: Tea
2 points

I can't even think straight if I don't start my day with a B-I-G cup of coffee! Actually, I can't think straight even when I do, LOL

Side: Coffee

Caramel Mocha.

Side: Coffee
1 point

I can't even sniff something like that without gaining a pound.

Side: Tea
Intangible(4934) Disputed
2 points

Sucks for you. I am a genetic godsend. I couldn't get fat even if I tried.

Side: Coffee

I like coffee more, especially the way I make it, my coffee tastes like hot chocolate lol...

Side: Coffee

Hot tea with strawberry jam in it helps me to keep warm in winter and not to catch cold. But coffee is what I drink mostly. Coffee without milk just gives me the felling that, right here, right now I have a cup of coffee.

Side: Coffee
1 point

Coffee, as always the good choice, but have anyone here tried strawberry dipped choco coated together with a cup of black coffee, it amazing, you will have relaxing day ahead when you try it. I have seen that from but its all my experimentation trying those idea into one.

Side: Coffee
1 point

Tea isn't legal speed :D

Side: Coffee