
Debate Info

Tech should be a subject Tech should not be a subject
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Tech should be a subject (3)
 Tech should not be a subject (2)

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Jaden(27) pic

Technology in Middle School

Tech in Middle School


Is it fun? Is it boring? Do you want to make it? Do you not?


In this Debate you will decide whether students should or should not be taught in Middle School.

Tech should be a subject

Side Score: 10

Tech should not be a subject

Side Score: 3
3 points

This is the age of technology. It would be pretty ridiculous to not teach technology in the AGE of technology. Let's be serious people.

Side: Tech should be a subject
2 points

If tech is a subject students will be able to learn and decide if they like programing.

Side: Tech should be a subject
3 points

Of course it should be, technology at present is ever so in our lives and will definitely become even more dependent upon in the future. And it's already progressing at such an incredible pace too with bio-thermal generators and computers in glasses (google glass) coming out, think it's just the beginning. I remember taking a typing class and learned basic computer skills freshman year of High School, which was almost 20 years ago, and it's served me well in the workforce and personal life. So yes, I believe that we should be having our teenagers in Middle School level learning basic programming/computer hardware.

Side: Tech should be a subject
2 points

If tech is a subject students will get caught up in it and forget about maths, english and other subjects.

Side: Tech should not be a subject

I don't think Middle School is the right area to teach Technology. When the students go to High School, then Technology should be an elective subject.

Side: Tech should not be a subject