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 Text-messaging in the classroom (2)

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anthonyuoit(5) pic

Text-messaging in the classroom

Educators have recently found an alarming trend in classrooms worldwide, where text-messaging has infiltrated into standard written literacy as a form of communication. In fact, many teachers have received text-message shortforms (emoticons) riddle on assessment tools such as essays and tests. To what degree have you found teenagers or post-secondary students using text-messaging in your classroom or your personal communications with individuals in the current secondary and post-secondary age category? How do you feel about it in regards to whether it inhibits communication or is a suitable replacement for Pittman or Grieg shorthand?

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1 point

I think that the problem is with some students not knowing that text grammar is only good grammar when texting.

1 point

I honestly do not text anybody who uses "Text talk" It's annoying and stupid an I believe it actually lowers your brain cells. My boyfriend tries to text me while he's in class, but, I never reply so that he can focus on his work. I tend to notice that those who text in the classroom, their grades seem to decline. Now, Not ALL the time is that true. I know some who text in school all day and keep up their straight A's.