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The Congress of 2009

**What would you like to say to them?**

With both a new President and Congress coming in 2009 there is bound to be concern over balance, among other things. If you could, what 3 things would you like to say to them as they begin their terms?

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While I'd love to be a fly on the back wall of the Senate Chambers I know that's not possible. I'd love to see a bill from its initial construction all the way through to passing or not...and then changing to finally be passed. I find that pretty exciting! In any event here are my 3 items.

1. Work TOGETHER for the good of all and all of the time.

2. Remember that your constituency consists of all the people, rich, poor, black, white, educated, uneducated and every other type you can think of. Don't allow one segment to override the rest for we are ALL important.

3. Stop adding so much baggage to a bill that it cannot possibly be passed and most especially NOT on critical issues.

2 points

1. Do the job we voted you in to do. Please. Just do your job.

2. Don't make decisions based on what's popular, make them based on what the right thing to do is.

3. This will go down as one of the most historic eras in Washington, Make us proud.


Excellent!!! I expected nothing less from you Meggie!

1 point

Thanks!! You & I always on the same page!!


We need something similar to FDR's 100 days. The congress needs to get together right after the inauguration and come up with a package of legislation that addresses the war, the economy, and energy. Obama has already said that we need a middle-class tax relief package so that will probably be discussed.

I personally would like to see the passage of the Extractive Industries Transparency Disclosure Act. It would be a good tool to help end corruption in developing nations by forcing extractive industries (those involved in procuring natural resources) to show how much they are paying nations to work in their nations. It would probably help the world economy and ours as well.

Side: comprehensive plan
0 points

I would:

1. tell them to work with the GOP members of congress and see both sides of the issue

2. ask Obama to resist urges to be as bad as Pelosi and Reid

3. ask them to resign and give their positions to the Republicans

Side: Give seats to Republicans