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 The Death Penalty shouldnt be abolished (10)

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AmeenahJose(10) pic

The Death Penalty shouldnt be abolished

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2 points

I disagree.

We execute the wrong person like all the time it turns out. The chance of killing an innocent person just once should be reason enough to stop the practice.

Unfortunately so many people ignore uncomfortable facts like not every person on death row actually committed the crime they are accused of. They like to live in a comfortable fairy tale where stuff like that doesn't happen.

The other reasons it should be eliminated is that it costs more to execute someone than to simply give them a life sentence with all the lawyer fees and whatnot.

Side: False

Some countries where the death penalty has been abolished:











And where it hasn't:


The United States

A bunch of shit-hole Islamic countries

Side: False

well im on both sides i say make em on death row for like 30 years so they can suffer them put them do death

Side: False
1 point

I believe solitary confinement for life would feel the need of "I want revenge" because think about it...would you rather die or be put in a cell all by yourself and not see anyone for the rest of your life? The harsher penalty is the second option. Why on earth would you want them to have the easy way out?

Side: False

I think the Death Penalty should be abolished because it is cruel and unusual punishment.

Side: False
0 points

No it should not be abolished. If you abolish it then criminals will be more active because they know they can't be killed for murdering people!

Side: No it should not be abolished