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 The Importance of religion (3)

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The Importance of religion

Is it necessary nowadays to follow your religion? Is there any difference between religion itself and God?

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1 point

Religion is important from a Historical or sociological perspective. I don't think it is important to have a religion. Religion I think is an antiquated way of associating with the world.

0 points

I would recommend people to be in touch in their faith. However, it's a personal choice if anyone wants to follow their religion.

A religion is made up of a deity and a holy text which are written a set of morals. A religion can also include certain practices, rituals, and activities that a follower must do. A god is the deity and the figure which the religion's followers are worshiping.

Side: Religion is important
alec1824(14) Disputed
2 points

I don’t really think religion is necessary because there really is no reason to believe in any of the claims religions make. In fact, religion is harmful in many ways as well. You said that you would recommend people to be in touch in their faith. However, faith can be extremely destructive because in order to have faith, one must ignore or lack a rational argument for their belief. Lacking a rational argument or ignoring one and only using faith to hold a position may in fact excuse rational thinking in other circumstances. If people are justified to believe in something just because they have "faith" are they not justified to believe in anything with just faith? By promoting faith, religion is promoting irrational thought because it discourages people from investigating the truth should not be a way to determine the truth value of an idea is not accurate and it is extremely harmful...Aside from promoting irrational thought, religion slows the progression of scientific advancement, interferes with government policies and education, and causes wars....This is all in the pursuit of promoting a most likely-false ideology. For these reasons, I think the world would be a much better place without religion.

Side: Religion is important