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 The media offers a biased outlook on events (3)

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The media offers a biased outlook on events

The present day media confuses us rather than give us solid facts. Different outlooks and perceptions lead the common man away from the reality and results into confusion. Unless their is visual support one could be easily mislead to believe the wrong. With the advancements of technology it has become more likely to do so. What do you think is think ?? Can we take in all that the media has to offer ??

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I don't watch the news, in my opinion it's mostly a lie. Many would argue otherwise but if you really think about it just because it appears on your t.v stating something doesn't mean that it's the truth. Reality is outside the screen and when you acknowledge that this is reality you will notice that we are unaware of everything.

Everyone offers biased outlooks on everything. So yes. The only part of your discription I disagree with is, The present day media confuses us rather than give us solid facts; that almost seems to imply that the media did anything other than give us biased half-truths at some point, and I really don't believe they ever did.

The MSM can mislead but one must be careful not to believe everything he or she watches on TV or reads in the news.