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 The power of a thought is beyond all reason. (3)

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garry77777(1796) pic

The power of a thought is beyond all reason.

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1 point

That is true. It has been known from the very ancient time however today people do not pay much attention on it;

1 point

We create, we innovate, we dream... and none of this would be possible without letting us think the impossible at least at a time where the logic applied makes it sound like a fantasy. It's far flung thoughts that pushed the edges of our knowledge- from building the first airplane to inscribing the human genome. There's always a small fairy tale part of us that lives to dream, to hope, to wish, and to push the boundaries of everything we consider "factual". Reason defines our world, but thoughts create a whole new one.

Of course, even when it's not a new thought, than the way our mind works could be considered nothing short of magical. We have several different places in our brain that deals with aspects of reality. One part defines scent, another sight, another feeling, another sound... and all of these form a complex picture, if subconscious, in our mind, whenever we think. And the chemicals react so quickly, so perfectly, that we have an entire scenario within our mind every time we so much as consider a stray thought.

Probably the reason so few engage in it .