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 The social consciousness of Swami Vivekananda was ahead of his times (4)

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The social consciousness of Swami Vivekananda was ahead of his times

Swami Vivekanada is a globally aclaimed spiritual leader. So was his consciousness for the society ahead of his times?

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1 point

I believe his consciousness was definitely ahead of his teams. At that time in India, women were considered illegible for education, but he supported the fact. Behind every successful man, there is a woman, and until the woman is educated, one can expect the society to flourish completely. During his time, caste system was prevalent and the concept of untouchability at its peak. It was he who protested against it. Even soul is potentially divine, he said. He believed in unity. And all these were definitely pretty much ahead of his times.

1 point

I agree..And even today it seems very much so that his consciousness is still far ahead of our time,since less and less people today are making change in their awareness...

Well, I wouldnt say his consciousness was so far advanced of everyone elses, because he learned from the monks, idk how india was in the late 1800s to early 1900s but if they learned alot from this man, then i would say it was remarkably so, but i thought india was already a very spiritual place throughout history? I dont know what his ideals ideologies and what he envisioned was, but there are a few spiritual leaders today in a modern society that is losing its global consciousness, which is sad, at least, in america we are, but alot of people are realizing we are all connected which is good.

But was he far more advanced? I wouldnt say so, because the east is well known for having beliefs that we are all connected and those beliefs have been around for a long time, so i will read more about him, and i probably shouldve read more about him before i posted this, oh well >.<

1 point

Well, i would say that what he was doing at the time was revolutionary, helping the poor who were in need of help while noone else cared.

While this ideology isnt REVOLUTIONARY, it was quite different at the time of when he lived, in a world ruled b a caste system, i strongly admire him for doing what he did and choosing to follow the path he did.