
Debate Info

For Steroids Against Steroids
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:12
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 For Steroids (3)
 Against Steroids (3)

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esilverman11(13) pic

The use of steroids should be allowed in professional and olympic sports.

For Steroids

Side Score: 4

Against Steroids

Side Score: 5

Celebrities have cosmetic surgeries and promote unhealthy diets in order to reach the standard of 'beauty' as defined by our culture. Professional and olympic athletes deserve equally lawful access to supplements that will enhance their ability. If unsafe diets and cosmetic body enhancements are not illegal, steroids should not be illegail either.

Side: For Steroids

If an athlete can afford the price for steroids, then so be it.

Side: For Steroids
0 points

Not only should it be aloud, it should be mandatory. I don't like to watch sports because all I'm seeing is things i can go outside and do myself, but if everyone was doped up on steroids they'd be having conniptions the likes of which no man has ever seen. It'd be pretty damn interesting I might add.

Also, if it's not mandatory then the people who choose not to take them are at a disadvantage.

Side: For Steroids
3 points

To add to the opposing side: Miss Universe pageants allow plastic surgery, but it doesn't make it fair or acceptable in my eyes. You should be able to compete for something you earn, not from what you buy. Working hard and buying a new face isn't what the pageant should be about, either. Some people are naturally better than others and that gives them an edge, as with every competition.

Adding steroids isn't going to make things any more fair. In fact, it makes it even less fair, since not all contestants can get steroids. It should be about eating healthy like how we should, and working hard for what you want to compete in. As steroids are an unnatural source of enhancements, why not add genetically engineered humans to the mix as well? Four-legged contestants, people with wings, or even 50 foot tall men? Where would it stop as to what is acceptable? It's just what the rules state. It's all about what the certain competition allows and doesn't.

In UFC, you can't hit anyone in the back of the head, but I have certainly seen people perform legal stomping techniques on someone's head in foreign MMA leagues.

There is no reason anything at all should be taken out, or added to any competition for any reason, since all competitors have to follow the rules.

Side: Against Steroids
1 point

The thought of athlete using steroids would bring more entertainment value to sports is one wrong at every level. The fact is that steroid use has caused users of the drug to sustain physical and physiological damage after using anabolic steroids.Another sad fact is that children from high school age have began yo use steroids to become more competitive and imitate professional athletes. Sports would be interesting enough if all athletes was using their natural abilities.

Side: Against Steroids
1 point

Moreover, if steroids were to be allowed in professional sport, as opposed to popular perceptions, it would cease to be a level playing field any longer as your performance is no longer dictated by your own physical capabilities and mental composure any more. A whole myriad of steroid related factors like the type of steroid taken, the quantity taken, etc..would come into picture, and once the practise has been allowed, it will be close to impossible to draw a line.

Additionally, steroids have been proved to be catastrophically harmful to the well-being of athletes in the long run. So, here is a food for thought - would you like your favourite athletes to put their very healths and lives at stake for the sole purpose of entertaining you?

Last but certainly not the least, allowing the use of steroids would turn out to be a huge slap in the face for all the athletes who had been rigorously abiding by the governing rules of the sport and more importantly a get-out-of-jail-free card for the dopers. Even though, the current systems in place for tracking the dopers are far from perfect, the incisive strides taken by various anti-doping agencies gives us a reason to be hopeful to at least catch these law-breakers(even if the use of steroids were to be allowed in the future, they are, currently, still law-breakers) in the future.

On a humorous note: And most importantly, what about lance armstrong. Would his fall to disgrace get converted to a rise to grace as well?

Side: Against Steroids