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Challenge Debate: There is substantial proof of Evolution, and NONE for Creationism.

I submit that the Theory of Evolution is accepted by virtually ALL professional and credible Biologists. Probably 99% of us. And that Darwinian Evolution has answered every challenge and question ever thrown at it. With flying colors. And that, conversely, Creationists have not ONE point for their idea. Not one that we cannot scientifically Disprove. I further submit that the idea of a god is not needed by us Biologists to explain any aspect of our being or our origin.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 1
5 points

So my opponent is basically admitting he is not up to a civilized debate on Evolution, and all of the mountains of evidence supporting it. As he has, in his first post claimed it will be his last. He is obviously adhering to the age-old, lame, and worn-slick Christian doctrine of "I won't let the facts get in the way of my opinion.

So he cherry picks ONE video of ONE discussion on Evolution vs. Creationism.


I could post 100 links which list and explain all of the evidence for Evolution. We have hundreds of types of radio-metric dating methods which continually, accurately and repeatedly show that the earth and its rocks and fossils are millions and billions of years old.

We have actual dinosaur fossils in museums all over the world. We have museums of natural history, tens of thousands of them which offer us to see and learn about dinosaurs and our very own ancestors, going back to Australopithecus afarensis, to homo erectus, to homo habilis, to finally homo sapiens. (us!)

Probably 99% of all the world's professional and academic Biologists and Anthropologists believe steadfastly and 100% in Evolution. Why, OUR very bodies have what we call vestigial traits, which show that we were evolved over time, and not the product of a creator. Since our bodies our very imperfect. Our optic nerves are backwards! We have coccyx, or tailbones. We have body hair we do not need. Hell, even our fight or flight responses are evolved, from when we would raise our hackles (goose bumps) to try and make our fur stand on end and thus appear larger to our potential enemies.

There are thousands of books available at every public library by renowned PhD biologists like Richard Dawkins who explain all this in great detail. NEVER has the Theory of Evolution been challenged successfully. Let alone dis-proven. It has met every single challenge ever thrown at it with flying colors.

Richard Dawkins himself once said that all it would take for him to doubt Evolution is for ONE SINGLE fossil to be found in a strata of Earth where it was not supposed to be! (fossils lay in various depth strata depending on their ages.)

Yet, lo and behold, we have uncovered millions of fossils and not ONCE has this happened.

Every thing, rather, has been found to be exactly where it should be according to Evolution.

Indeed, the word itself today is exactly as it should be if nature were merely a product of Evolution. There is NO sign of an intelligent Creator. As you read this, millions of animals and insects and fish and reptiles are dying horrible deaths. Being eaten alive. Sometimes by parasites from within. Why would a perfect Intelligent Creator allow this? He wouldn't. And there is no such thing.

The bible is the last place to look for anything scientific. It is a book of literature, fables, and myths. Like trying to learn to fix your car with a poetry book.

The problem I have here, and indeed that anyone defending evolution is not where to find evidence, or lack of it. Rather, it is, quite simply, where to start! LOL. I challenge anyone reading this to simply Google "evidence for Evolution." You will get tens of thousands of hits. You could spend a 40 hour week just sifting through it all. It's akin to somebody defending the Earth being round and not flat! LOL

What religious zealots such as my opponent here try to do, is jump on ONE single unexplained aspect of Evolutionary biology, or geology or anthropology, and exclaim, "Ha! You can't explain it! That's because God did it!"

This is laughable. Never mind that science has given us all better and longer lives, has improved every aspect of our world. Christians embrace science every day with their computers and medicine and cars and homes and TV and radio, and marvel at space travel and all technology. Yet, when it comes to ALL of the biologists who embrace evolution, or the geologists and anthropologists who unearth million year old fossils, all of a sudden they don't know what they are talking about.

Why? Because their bible tells 'em so.

If you take your car to a mechanic and he cannot figure out exactly what is wrong with your fuel injector computer chip, does this mean he knows nothing and that god designed your car? LOL.

Of course not.

Giving in to superstitious religion is throwing in your intellectual hat and admitting you are satisfied with not knowing the truth about the world. It is like a child running to his room to read his fairy tales because his math book is too hard.

Bill Nye the Science Guy famously destroyed Ken Hamm, the author of the website, so thoroughly a couple years ago, that 76% of CHRISTIANS who watched that show admitted that Nye won!

I will now post a very few, maybe about less than one half of one percent of some of the links available which show that Evolution is the only explanation that makes any sense at all. My opponent knows this, that I can do this, and this is why he threw in the towel even before beginning the debate. He took the weak, cowardly and easy way out. Posting ONE measly highly-biased link, and then running for the hills, or to his bible.

I am pretty sure nobody following this debate will fall for that, as we seem to have some pretty educated people here. I also take exception to my opponent's remark that the Ph.D's in his video are smarter than all of us combined. I myself am currently working on my Ph.D, although as of right now I currently only have a Master's in Science in Biology.

DNA testing has shown us and shows us more every day, how life began. We now know that single-cell microbial life began n the Primordial ooze some 3 billion years ago. So, if there IS a god, an intelligent Creator, what took him so long? Since the Earth is 4.6 BYO? Why over ONE BILLION YEARS just for microbes?

Again, it makes no sense. And yet again, it is simply one more example of how EVERY single aspect of nature and our fossil record depict our world exactly as it should be with no god or intelligent Creator.

We see evolution every day! Viruses and bacteria do it! Moths in England have changed their colors to blend in with the soot from the factories! Again, simply Google "examples of Evolution today" and prepare to be deluged with hours of proof.

I will now post a few of them. A very very small sampling. Thank you!

bill nye embarrasses Hamm.....

A nice little list on Evolution proofs...........

This shows the absurdity of Creationism and ANY sort of God......

And lastly, a list of questions that Genesis fails miserably in answering.....

Side: Pro
1 point

I will now add a very interesting and well-written link that shows several other ways that science has thoroughly destroyed the Genesis account of Creation. And how Evolution has easily and effectively answered every question tossed at it.

Take ten minutes to read this, and I guarantee you that you will never give Genesis any more credibility for science than you would a book of poetry.

Also know that Genesis was NOT even written to be understood literally! Instead it was written when the Hebrews were in Babylonian captivity and were afraid of losing some of their history and customs. Especially the Sabbath! Hence we have the fabrication of the Six-Day Creation, with god resting on the Seventh! 08/top-seven-ways-christianity-is-debunked.html

Side: Pro
1 point

I will now add some thoughts on how trying to give the Bile ANY bit of scientific veracity, and not simply read it as a book of fables and mythos is wrong.

And dangerous.

And impedes the truth.

The problem with religion is that it wants to freeze us in the past. We must forever think of humanity as fallen, even when we realize we’re just descended from other animals and not from a pristine state of human perfection in a pristine garden. We must forever think that pain comes from a curse when in reality it’s just an adaptive trait that warns us of danger and it existed long before humans could have ever sinned. We must forever think of humans as inherently corrupted by some ancestor’s sins instead of fundamentally innocent beings who learned a set of social relationships of cooperation and hierarchy while still lower order primates and are still struggling to learn the best ways to take care of our own needs and flourishing while balancing the interests of our society.

Religion insists we must always freeze our knowledge, we must suspend our ability to say, “oh, the old religious myths turned out false—we’re not inherently evil, we’re not to blame for suffering in the world, we don’t have to mistrust our natural drives as corrupt—just instead see them as sometimes ill-fit for contemporary society since they evolved in another time for different needs.”

Religion tries to teach people to defer to ancient authorities who have no knowledge credentials and to override free, rigorous, and sincere reassessment of what is good and bad in our nature. Religion teaches you that bronze age people’s fantasies are somehow divine revelations when there is not a single good reason to think so. They have no special knowledge that only a God could give them. They didn’t give us the theory of quantum mechanics as a gift from the designer of quantum mechanics. They don’t seem to know any single fact about that alleged creator’s world that they couldn’t have made up themselves. So why think they got special knowledge from that creator?

- See more at: but-metaphorically-false/#sthash.C6TXRhOO.dpuf

Side: Pro
-3 points