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True..., true Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 True..., true (9)
 Wait..., What? No! (10)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Minors should not be allowed to get an abortion without parental approval.

True..., true

Side Score: 9

Wait..., What? No!

Side Score: 11
1 point

I believe no one should be allowed to get an abortion. Especially a minor. There are people waiting in line at orphanages trying to adopt children because they cannot have babies themselves. Why can't the minor have the baby and give it up then go on with their "happy go lucky'' lives or how ever they was living before?

Side: True..., true
Conro(767) Disputed
2 points

I agree that abortion is a very difficult decision, and it tries the potential parent to the utmost extreme. However, such a view as to restrict abortions for everyone, regardless of circumstances, is very narrow-minded.

"There are people waiting in line at orphanages trying to adopt children because they cannot have babies themselves. "

If there are people waiting in line at orphanages trying to adopt children because they cannot have babies themselves, then something is wrong with the bureaucratic system, not with abortions. Either the potential parents are being judged to harshly or people have decided to take their future into their own hands, and have decided that children wouldn't be good for them at that time. In fact, people aren't "lining up" to adopt. A census by the United States Census and Child Welfare Services found that in 2000, there were 501,000 kids in foster care, 127,000 of which people could adopt. However, only 51,000 were actually adopted (

Because someone else would like a child, another person doesn't need to have the child. It's like why a father, who wants to put up his child for adoption for some reason, cannot if his wife says she wants to keep it. He still must be the father, even if he doesn't want to. He doesn't have the right to give up that responsibility, just like that person who wants to adopt doesn't have the right to give someone that responsibility.

"Why can't the minor have the baby and give it up then go on with their "happy go lucky'' lives or how ever they was living before?"

Again, this view is very narrow-minded. You are making the assumption that the baby was made through carelessness. Or that the potential parents live "happy go lucky" lives. However, consider an adult (or student or teenager) who is trying to say, get a job, an education, or advance in their career. That person (let's say Anne) is suddenly impregnated, even though she takes the pill and made sure her partner wore a condom. Now, her entire life is forced to change. If she keeps the baby, she will probably have to give up her biggest hopes in career advancements. Her education will suffer. If she carries the baby to term, but puts it up for adoption. There is still danger for her in the birthing process. She must still suffer immeasurable setbacks in her education and career. If she instead decides to have an abortion, Anne is suddenly given a chance to make sure her life stays on track, despite the momentous decision she is making. Yes, there is a loss of life, and that is sad, but we must look at the larger picture. Had she kept that baby, the quality of her life would probably have decreased from what the quality would have been. That fetus is only a bundle of cells, with little to no brain development. It has the status of less than any type of vertebrate.

I don't want to argue for all types of abortion. I believe abortion is only permissible when there is no brain or neural development. I also believe that the person who wants to have an abortion should talk to their parents and their partner. However, it should not be a prerequisite for getting an abortion. Perhaps the parents want their daughter to have the child, but she doesn't. The emotional and economic hardship are hers for the rest of her life. The parents don't have to deal with it. It's the daughter's choice, the potential mother's choice. That's why she should have the choice for abortion.

P.S. I will not (in this post at least) attempt to go into the potential dangers for the mother. If you wish for me to inform you on potential problems with her carrying to term, I will be more than happy to do so.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

However, abortion is legal. That raises the question 'how should abortion be regulated?'

Side: True..., true
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

I believe no one should be allowed to get an abortion. Especially a minor. There are people waiting in line at orphanages trying to adopt children because they cannot have babies themselves. Why can't the minor have the baby and give it up then go on with their "happy go lucky'' lives or how ever they was living before?

If you are so adamant against abortion, I have a suggestion: Don't get one yourself! Leave it at that. The great thing about living in a free country is that purely moral views are not enforced as law upon everyone else. You don't like abortion? No one is forcing you to get one. Don't have one. It's that simple. You are not entitled to force your morals upon a population of 300 million, many of whom disagree with you. Why do you think you have the right to legislate your morals in the first place? What made you think so highly of yourself? What made you lose the ability to recognise that if our country allowed moral laws left and right, there would be a civil war due to the thousands of conflicting ideals?

Side: Wait..., What? No!
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Morality is irrelevant in this debate - I assume that you mean that morality 'afflicts' the religious? I know a number of atheists against abortion. Some people consider a fetus to be a living breathing human being, thus making it murder - whether there is a moral basis for this belief or not.

Side: True..., true
xelegancex(6) Disputed
1 point

I watched my aunt and her husband struggle to have kids over years and I watched the long drawn out process my supervisor went through in order to adopt. So I understand what you're saying yeah you're right adoption is definitely a great alternative to such a matter but, at the same time you can't honestly say nobody should be allowed to have an abortion because if someone was raped they should have every right to terminate their pregnancy. I do 100% agree though that anyone under the age of 18 needs parental consent.

Abortion shouldn't be outlawed because that's a woman's right to have a choice. It is their body and it's not effecting us (being were not involved) There should however be a limitation on how far along you can be in order to have a abortion but to take someones right away isn't fair. Let them deal with their decision.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Minors are too immature to make that decision without parental approval. That is what parents are for.

Side: True..., true

It is a good thing that you are here - I'd be completely alone on most topics.

They are immature - but, a disputer would say, does that not mean that they should get an abortion rather than raise another life?

Side: True..., true
1 point

I completely agree! If a minor has to have parental consent to take an Advil at school, to receive a tattoo or piercing, to purchase a car, etc... How can anyone justify not having parental consent for an abortion? There are emotional issues that come with such a procedure.I mean this is a health related matter not getting your ears pierced at the mall kiosk.

I believe abortion for a "birth control method" is wrong but that's what I believe and at the end of the day I wont be changing this child's diaper, feeding the baby, supplying any financial support, nor do I know what home life is like for the minor and at the end of the day we should allow the mother and her parents to make that choice as to what they want to do. We shouldn't have any say in that matter because their the ones that have to live with whatever decision they make.

I've heard stories of not being able to tell a parent because they would "kill me" chance are very much in favor of the fact no parent is going to kill their daughter for announcing their pregnancy. Disappointment, Anger, even a possible length of silent treatment; I have heard of and witnessed ignorant parents kicking their daughters out because of their pregnancy. In those cases there are homes for teen mother. Yeah I know there's nothing like your own home and your family support but there are options in such cases.

I wont say I think abortions should be outlawed because if a rape victim comes into a clinic she should have every right to terminate a pregnancy. I mean why force here to have a child she will probably resent. I understand there are people that would love to adopt but, why should any woman have to carry around that burden of such an awful event? In my opinion she shouldn't.

Side: True..., true

Minors must have parental consent. After all, they are minors and need the permission from their parents.

Side: True..., true
1 point

Why should parental approval be involved in such a personal matter? Requiring parental consent would merely increase the number of teen mothers.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

This is an underhanded evil trick by the religious right to make abortions harder.

"Evil you say? that seems a bit harsh."

No, it is evil, and a trick, here's why.

Obviously if the minor plans on going through with the pregnancy, then they are going to find out.

The only people this rule affects are those who are both planning an abortion, and who do not want to tell their parents they are pregnant.

So it is a rule only for a few people.

Meanwhile, one has to ask why a girl doesn't want to tell.

There are a million reasons from abuse to religious psycho parents, but the reason doesn't even matter.

What matters is the outcome.

If the parents are cool with the abortion then nothing changes.

If they are not cool with the abortion maybe they force the kid to have a kid she doesn't want. Well that sounds ideal huh?

More likely, she gets the abortion behind their back. Since she needs permission though, she either commits a felony forging a signiture or something,

or gets one in some dirty basement somewhere.

Either way history has shown that if one wants an abortion they are going to get one legal or not.

But now this kid's life is in danger all so the religious right can puff out their chest in righteous indignation at the fornicating teens.

So yeah, an evil trick.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I say parental consent is not legally necessary to have a baby, and nor should it be. The ultimate authority over whether to have a baby must be the baby’s mother, not its grandparents. It is absurd to say that someone is old enough to have a baby, but not old enough to have an abortion. The parental consent required for surgery is a legal sham in any case, since in serious cases a refusal can be overridden on medical advice with a court order. In effect, parents can consent to surgery on their children, but cannot withhold their consent. This is not a good example for the proposition.

And if needing parental consent became effective it could just lead to 'back street' abortions. Which are far more dangerous to the mother and the baby than just being able to go to a clinic.

Side: Hell NO
1 point

Minors have the right to choose too. :)

Side: Wait..., What? No!