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 They aren't really animals after all, and so, should not have any rights! (5)

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hmicciche(660) pic

They aren't really animals after all, and so, should not have any rights!

Some claim that animals have minds, even souls, and so should have certain rights. Many people have a great deal of animosity to this idea.

However, the fact is, the word "animal" is from the root word "anima", which means soul. If animals do not have a soul, I suppose we ought to call them something else.

How about a symbol that stands for "the creatures formerly known as animals."

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1 point

Some claim that animals have minds, even souls, and so should have certain rights. Many people have a great deal of animosity to this idea.

You don't have to believe something has a soul to believe it should have rights one way or another.

However, the fact is, the word "animal" is from the root word "anima", which means soul. If animals do not have a soul, I suppose we ought to call them something else.

What something is called has little bearing on what it is in many instances.

How about a symbol that stands for "the creatures formerly known as animals.

I don't understand, is this debate about animal rights or about what to call animals?

hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

"You don't have to believe something has a soul to believe it should have rights one way or another."

The logical possibilities are:

1. Animals have minds, even souls, and so should have certain rights.

2. Animals have minds, even souls but should not have certain rights.

3. Animals do not have minds, even souls but should have certain rights.

4. Animals do not have minds, even souls and should not have certain rights.

I'm sorry, which position are you arguing?

"What something is called has little bearing on what it is in many instances."

Yes, but what something is should have some bearing on what it is called.

"I don't understand, is this debate about animal rights or about what to call animals?"

It is about what to call animals if they have no soul. :)

I'll concede the rights part.

1 point

Yeah because we would do so well if we killed all of the animals. There are billions of humans. We should just kill the low amount of animals just for target practice just because we can. I think that our gift to control all animals shouldn't be abused. We should use it wisely and fairly.

Side: Let De Animals Live
1 point

I believe there's a verse in the Bible about animals being made to serve man as he sees fit, I don't remember it word for word though.

Side: Let De Animals Live