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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:33
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Sunset(2024) pic

To believe or not to believe

is it necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 26

It isn't , but it certainly doesn't hurt to cover your asses on this one LOL

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

The problem with pascal's wager is that it ignores there are multiple gods, an infinite amount of possibilities.

This makes it such that all religious beliefs carry the possibility of supernatural punishment, not just atheism.

Religion is also unnecessary and sometimes counter to 'good morality'. 'Morals and good values' arise by natural processes, one such process could be and probably is the reiterated prisoner dilemma;'s_dilemma . The two are really unrelated, at most religion gives unmoral people something to fear, this fear leads them to behavior according to some doctrine which may or may not lead to moral behavior. At least, it gives already moral people a recreational activity, probably a community and additional support structures.

Side: No
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
0 points

Religion at least Christianity is not counter to good morals, rather people and the sin within them are counter to good morals,(also the Devil and his angels). Christianity is not counter to good morals although I agree that

Side: No
5 points

Morality comes from with in the individual, whether you believe in God or not.

Side: No
4 points

No, I think it helps to belief in a higher power over ourselves.

Side: No
3 points

Absolutely not! It's up to the individual to be moral or not! :)

Side: No
3 points

You don't have to believe in anything to have good morals or whatever. you don't get that because you believe in a higher power. it takes more than just that.

Side: No
2 points

Of course not.

Morals are genetic, and many animal species display similar tendencies.

Specific religion was just a power grab.

Side: No
1 point

One can be a moral person and not bleieve in God. But what good does this do for them? Might as well become an Epicure eat and drink for tomorrow we die.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think so, Religion just kind of gives reason for the people who need a push. Some people need a threat to be good people.

Side: No
1 point

God is not perfect. He is just a more powerful version of a human. He can say he is perfect, and persuade people that he is. Since he is more powerful than all of us combined, he can manipulate us and force us into believing that his morality is flawless. But with great technology, humans can achieve the degree of power that god possesses.

Side: No
1 point

Do you produce the good fruits of God loving all? When you do you have God in you because God found you seeking us before we sought him.

Side: No
1 point

No, I mean all people know right from wrong without believing in God.

Side: No

There are atheists who live by good morals that have nothing to do with religion.

Side: No