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True Statement False statement!
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 False statement! (2)

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paradox(208) pic

Todays youth are moving away from science due to better job oppurtunities in other fields!

True Statement

Side Score: 0

False statement!

Side Score: 2
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Any field involves some or the other way of science and with out its help, nothing is possible! But sometimes, its usage may be small enough to be thought as if it is not being involved in it! But this is not so very true!

If you take the field as a whole, you may think that is is not relating to science, but going deep into the base foundations, you will understand that you were wrong!

For example:

The field Business may seem out of science and its scopes! But it is very very connected to technology and its advancement that is nothing other than scientific advancements!

Side: False statement!

Students who want to make a lot of money are being persuaded to take up Computer Science as their Major in college.

Side: False statement!