
Debate Info

Yes.( They're born that way,) No. (It's a choice)
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes.( They're born that way,) (3)
 No. (It's a choice) (2)

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magicalme(14) pic

Transgenders and transsexuals...

Do you think that transegenders and transsexuals are born with the opposite gender inside of them or do you believe that it's a choice?  Please no relgion in this debate, I want to hear what you personaly have to say about this topic and explain why you think that. By the way apologizes if I put this is a bad category.

Yes.( They're born that way,)

Side Score: 5

No. (It's a choice)

Side Score: 2
3 points

Science shows that people who are born lesbian/homosexual are born with higher amounts of testosterone/estrogen (eg. Lesbians were born with more testosterone than usual, as homosexuals were born with more estrogen.)

Also, one cannot simply denounce boobies, it must be genetics.

Side: Yes.( They're born that way,)

I think it is both a condition and a choice, it depends on the circumstance. Some people are clearly born that way, others choose to be that way. I think it's always safer to go with the genetics argument over choice when it comes to homosexuality and trans issues because the opposition seems to think that these things being a choice in some cases is reason to restrict them.

Side: Yes.( They're born that way,)

A person will discover when he is very young if he is a male or a female trapped inside the body that was not designated.

Side: Yes.( They're born that way,)

This is a tough subject because you cant really know what goes on in the mind of another. From my experiences I have basically come to the conclusion that the meaning, purpose and design of life is to make choices. Before I get into that I would like to state that everyone deals with emotions, hormones and out side influences as well as their own perceptions of reality. If someone lets these things control their reality and chooses not to make any conscious decisions, mearly goes where their hormones and emotions take them (and most people do) then the argument that they were "born that way" or have no choice could be considered on some level. However it is possible to look at each thought and feeling and decide if you really want to go along with them or... not accept them right off the bat and instead consciously decide if you would like to change your views and the person you want to be. So that being said, I would think that being transgender or transsexual (or any other self identifying attribute) is a choice.

Side: No. (It's a choice)
1 point

Chemically speaking, no. Even in say Lesbians they have a higher rate of testosterone than normal females, yet most males have over 40X the amount that females have.

Then there is chemical disposition such as XXYY people, however those cases are roughly 1 in 45,000 so no. People can have a disconnect from thier gender, but it isn't really chemical.

But we have to remember that there isn't black and white male and female, there are varying degrees of masculinity and femininity.

Side: No. (It's a choice)